Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Mt. 19:3-30; Mk. 10:2-31; Lk. 18:1-30


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Matthew Chapter Nineteen

(Outline continues from Day 296)

  1. Pharisees came to Jesus in Perea and tried to ensnare Him in their in-house divorce debate (Matt. 19:3).
    1. The School of Shammai taught that a man could only divorce his wife for a sexual offense.
    2. The School of Hillel permitted a man to divorce his wife for almost any reason.
    3. It was the divorce issue with Herod Antipas that got John the Baptist arrested, and perhaps this is where the Pharisees are trying to go with this line of attack.
  2. The disciples thought Christ was too busy to take time with children, but He delayed his departure from the area until He had prayed over each child (Matt. 19:13-15).
  3. A rich young man questioned Jesus about his human-effort attempts to obtain eternal life (Matt. 19:16-26).
  4. Peter follows up the rich young man’s question with a question of his own (Matt. 19:27-30).
    1. The disciples had sacrificed temporal-life wealth in their pursuit of spiritual-life ministry.
    2. Believers are assured that such sacrifices in this life will be rewarded in the next.
    3. Church Age saints will have judicial function over Israel during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ (v.28).
    4. Eternal reward will be given according to Divine Sovereignty, and not according to human understanding of precedence (v.30).

Mark Chapter Ten

(Outline continues from Day 296)

  1. Upon the conclusion of His Galilean ministry, the Lord was challenged by the Pharisees to take sides in their own divorce debate (Mk. 10:2-12).
    1. Christ referred the issue to the authority of Scripture.
    2. Christ distinguished between what was commanded (remaining married for life) and what was permitted (divorce: because of hardness of heart).
    3. The Matthew parallels includes the permissive will πορνεία porneia #4202 exception (Mt. 5:32; 19:9).
  2. The disciples thought Christ was too busy to take time with children, but He delayed his departure from the area until He had prayed over each child (Mk. 10:13-16).
  3. Mark’s account of the rich young ruler describes the love that Jesus felt for the man (Mk. 10:17-27).
  4. Peter follows up with a statement of his own concerning what the disciples had given up for Christ (Mk. 10:28-31).

(Chapter Ten continues tomorrow)

Luke Chapter Eighteen

  1. The Lord taught His disciples two parables on prayer (Lk. 18:1-14).
    1. A parable on persistence (vv.1-8).
    2. A parable on humility (vv.9-14).
  2. The disciples attempted to prevent any “waste of time” during Jesus’ ministry, but He assured them that He always had time for such children (Lk. 18:15-17).
  3. The Lord ministered to the rich young ruler, as well as to the listening disciples (Lk. 18:18-30).

(Chapter Eighteen continues tomorrow)