Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Mt. 20; Mk. 10:32-52; Lk. 18:31-19:10
Matthew Chapter Twenty
- Jesus taught a Kingdom of Heaven parable (Matt. 20:1-16) to illustrate the principle that concluded chapter 19 (Matt. 19:30).
- As He headed towards Jerusalem, Jesus warned the disciples once again what was in store for Him there (Matt. 20:17-19).
- Mrs. Zebedee came at James & John’s behest and requested special privilege for them in the eschatological theocratic kingdom (Matt. 20:20-28).
- As He approached Jerusalem, the Son of David continued to open the eyes of the blind (Matt. 20:29-34).
Mark Chapter Ten
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- As He headed towards Jerusalem, Jesus warned the disciples once again what was in store for Him there (Mk. 10:32-34).
- James & John requested special privilege in the Kingdom (Mk. 10:35-45). Mark’s account does not describe the role of their mother in this scheme (cf. Matt. 20:20-28).
- Only the servant-oriented Gospel of Mark records the name of the blind beggar Bartimaeus (Mk. 10:46-52).
Luke Chapter Eighteen
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- As He set his sights on Jerusalem, the Lord advised His disciples what was in store (Lk. 18:31-34).
- The blind man of Jericho (Bartimaeus, Mk. 10:46) clearly saw Jesus of Nazareth as Jesus, Son of David (Lk. 18:35-43).
Luke Chapter Nineteen
- Luke is the only Gospel to record the story of Zaccheus (Lk. 19:1-10).
(Chapter Nineteen continues tomorrow)