Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Lk. 17:11-37; Jn. 11
Luke Chapter Seventeen
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- The Lord healed ten lepers, but only one (a Samaritan) turned back to give thanksgiving and praise (Lk. 17:11-19).
- Jesus gave a cryptic message to the Pharisees (Lk. 17:20-21), and a more thorough message to the disciples regarding the Kingdom of God (Lk. 17:22-37).
John Chapter Eleven
- Chapter Eleven contains the seventh sign/miracle recorded in John, and the fifth I AM message.
- The family of Lazarus, Mary & Martha is introduced (Jn. 11:1-2).
- Lazarus: “whom God helps” (a form of the Hebrew name Eleazar).
- Mary: “rebellion” (Heb. name Miriam).
- Martha: “rebellious” (fr. Aramaic root).
- Bethany: “house of misery” was a village on the SE slope of Mt. Olivet, 2 miles from Jerusalem.
- Mary & Martha are most famous for Martha’s kitchen fit (Lk. 10:38-42).
- The miracle is detailed:
- Mary & Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick (Jn. 11:3).
- The Lord delayed His journey to Bethany in order to teach His disciples and in order to magnify the glory of God in the coming miracle (Jn. 11:4-16).
- Martha met Jesus on the road and accused Him of not arriving on time.
- Jesus encouraged her with the hope of eternal life in the resurrection (Jn. 11:17-27).
- Jesus fifth I AM message: “The Resurrection and the Life” was Martha’s encouragement.
- Martha sent Mary out to Jesus on the road, where she also accused Him of not being there when He was needed (Jn. 11:28-33).
- Jesus wept with a deeply moved spirit as He observed the weeping of Mary and the other Jews (Jn. 11:33-36).
- The Lord had raised a widow’s son (Lk. 7:11-17), and a synagogue ruler’s daughter (Lk. 8:49-56) prior to this, but in neither case had the dead body been buried. Lazarus’ decomposition had already begun.
- Jesus issued the resurrection command and gave thanksgiving and glory to God the Father for crafting the work-assignment (Jn. 11:41-44).
- The miracle resulted in many coming to faith in Christ (Jn. 11:45), and many others rejecting the Christ and siding with His enemies (Jn. 11:46).
- The chief priests and Pharisees formed a select committee for the preservation of their own political power (Jn. 11:47-57).