Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Lk. 15:11-17:10


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Luke Chapter Fifteen

(Outline continues from yesterday. Points 2, 2a, 2b repeated)

  1. The Pharisees’ grumbling prompted the Lord to deliver a three-form parable (Lk. 15:3): The Lost Sheep (Lk. 15:4-7), The Lost Coin (Lk. 15:8-10), The Lost Son (Lk. 15:11-32).
    1. Most believers would be satisfied with a 99% success rate.  The Lord Jesus Christ does not accept anything less than 100% because that is the perfect standard of God the Father.
    2. The ten silver coins refers to a row of coins which formed a headpiece for a married woman.  To have one missing would reflect a less-than-perfect Bride.
    3. The lost son portion of the tri-part parable is the most extensive, and the most explicit.  The repentant sinner is a cause for joy because he has experienced the necessary change of thinking.  The self-righteous brother is now the one in need of an immediate change of thinking.

Luke Chapter Sixteen

  1. Chapter 15 was directed towards the Pharisees, but the teaching of chapter 16 is directed toward the disciples (Lk. 16:1).
  2. These stories are not referred to as parables, but many take them as such (cf. Lk. 15:3).
  3. The Lord’s account of the unjust steward (Lk. 16:1-8) introduces teaching for believers proper use of temporal wealth (Lk. 16:9-13).
    1. Unbelievers are better than believers at working with the financial mechanisms of this world (v.8).
    2. Rather than using temporal finances for the accrual of even more temporal finances, believers can utilize temporal finances for the purposes of furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ (v.9).
      1. Temporal finances will fail.
      2. Spiritual friendships are eternal.
    3. Diligence in temporal finances reflects a mental attitude that is faithful in spiritual finances (vv.10-12).
    4. Is money your master, or does money serve you in your service to God? (v.13)
  4. The Rich Man & Lazarus (Lk. 16:19-31) is another illustration of the Lord’s that is not called a parable.
    1. Unlike other parables, which leave the characters unnamed, this discourse actually names the believer who enters into Abraham’s bosom (v.20).
    2. Prior to the Cross, believers were ushered into Abraham’s Bosom (=Paradise, Lk. 23:43).
      1. This compartment of comfort within the realm of Sheol is now empty (Eph. 4:8-10), as Paradise is now located in the third heaven (2nd Cor. 12:2,4).
      2. Believers who die after the cross do not descend to Sheol, but rather ascend to heaven (2nd Cor. 5:8).
    3. Two things to note:
      1. The unbeliever is left unnamed, whereas the name of the victorious believer is recorded for eternity.
      2. The unbeliever has regrets and desires that still pertain to physical life, whereas the victorious believer is enjoying his rest without any further thoughts of his prior life on Earth.

Luke Chapter Seventeen

  1. The Lord taught His disciples principles of love: stumbling blocks & forgiveness applied through faith (Lk. 17:1-6).
  2. This service is simply that which is expected for God’s servants (Lk. 17:7-10).

(Chapter Seventeen continues tomorrow)