Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Ezek. 26:15-28:16; 2 Kgs. 25:3-7; Jer. 39:2-10; 52:6-11
Ezekiel Chapter Twenty-Six
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- The fall of Tyre foreshadows the fall of a future world commercial power (Ezek. 26:15-18; Rev. 18).
- The fall of Tyre recalls the fall of two past world commercial powers (Ezek. 26:19-21).
- The antediluvian world (Gen. 4:17-24; 6:14).
- The angelic world (Isa. 14:15-21; Ezek. 28:18-19).
Ezekiel Chapter Twenty-Seven
- Chapter 27 sings the song of the Ship of Tyre.
- The song is a lament based upon the sadness of Tyre’s own words (Ezek. 27:3).
- The beautiful ship is described (Ezek. 27:4-11).
- Her customers are detailed (Ezek. 27:12-25).
- The ship is sunk (Ezek. 27:26-36).
- Every nation weeps and laments. They ask “who is like Tyre” (v.32), when they should be asking “who is like the Lord?” (Ex. 15:11). This, too, is a foreshadowing of future pride to come (Rev. 13:4; 18:9ff.).
Ezekiel Chapter Twenty-Eight
- The addressee for this message cannot be confused with the following message.
- The addressee here is identified as negiyd tsor לִנְגִיד צֹר (Ezek. 28:2).
- The addressee in the following message is identified as melek tsowr מֶלֶךְ צוֹר (Ezek. 28:12).
- The Prince of Tyre (negiyd tsor) is the human ruler of Tyre (Ethbaal III), but the King of Tyre (melek tsowr) is the true ruler (Satan) (Jn. 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 1st Jn. 5:19; Dan. 10:13,20,21; 12:1).
- The human ruler of Tyre had lifted up his heart and made his heart like the heart of God (Ezek. 28:2,6).
- The human ruler of Tyre believed that he was a god, controlling events in the world around him. His view of himself was as an antediluvian god-king ruling in the “heart of the seas.”
- In the following message, the true power behind the human power is unveiled, and the rebuke of Satan is expressed.
- Like Isaiah 14, the prophet looks beyond the human realm and sees the reality of the angelic realm in the details of Satan’s fall.
- The recipient of this lament cannot be a human being because:
- Adam & Eve were the only human beings to be in the Adamic Garden of Eden (Ezek. 28:13a).
- Human beings are not covered in jewels (Ezek. 28:13b).
- Human beings are born, not created (Ezek. 28:13c).
- He is called a cherub angel (Ezek. 28:14).
- He went from a blameless condition to an unrighteous condition (Ezek. 28:15). In the history of the human race, only Adam & Eve experienced a fall from blamelessness to unrighteousness. Every other human being from Cain onward began their lives totally depraved.
- Like the human ruler he influenced, Satan’s heart was lifted up, and he viewed himself as being a god (Ezek. 28:16-19).
- The Tyre section concludes with a message to her sister city Sidon (Ezek. 28:20-24).
- Tyre & Sidon’s discipline results in knowledge of the Lord (Ezek. 26:6; 28:22-24).
Second Kings Chapter Twenty-Five
(Outline continues from Day 239)
- Zedekiah was captured while attempting to flee (2nd Kgs. 25:4-7).
- Ezekiel prophesied this escape attempt (Ezek. 12:5-13).
- Zedekiah will be taken to Babylon, yet he will not see it.
(Chapter Twenty-Five continues tomorrow)
Jeremiah Chapter Thirty-Nine
- Chapter 39 details the fall of Jerusalem. It parallels Chapter 52, 2nd Kgs. 25 & 2nd Chr. 36. The prophet Ezekiel also gave witness to this event (Ezek. 24:1-2).
- The walls are breached on July 18th, 586BC.
- Nebuchadnezzar’s generals established judicial sovereignty in the city (Jer. 39:3).
- Zedekiah attempts to flee, but is caught and imprisoned according to prophecy (Jer. 39:4-10; Ezek. 12:12-14).
- Those who voluntarily surrendered into Babylonian custody (considered deserters by their fellow Jews) were taken into captivity (Jer. 39:9), while the most destitute were left as caretakers of the land (v.10).
(Chapter Thirty-Nine continues tomorrow)
Jeremiah Chapter Fifty-Two
(Outline continues from Day 239)
- The gate between the walls allowed for an attempted escape despite the surrounding armies (Jer. 52:7).
- The execution of the line of Zedekiah (Jer. 52:10-11) combined with the curse on the line of Coniah/Jeconiah/Jehoiachin (Jer. 22:24-30) brings the Book of Jeremiah to close with a significant concern for the Davidic Covenant (2nd Sam. 7:16).
(Chapter Fifty-Two continues tomorrow)