Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Gen. 18:1-21:7
Genesis Chapter Eighteen
- The (Angel of the) Lord appeared to Abraham, along with two other angels in human form (Gen. 18:1,2,22; 19:1).
- Though the three “men” appear to be travelling, Abraham convinces them to stay and enjoy his hospitality (Gen. 18:3-8; 2nd Cor. 8:4).
- The Lord repeats his previous promise of a son in Sarah’s hearing, and she laughs even as Abraham had done (Gen. 18:9-15).
- Abraham was sexually dead, and yet he and Sarah had faith in the promise of God (Heb. 11:11,12; Rom. 4:19).
- The Lord determined that He would not conceal His purpose from His steward (Gen. 18:16-19), although there are times when He must do so (Deut. 29:29; Acts 1:7).
- The defiled land of Sodom and Gomorrah demanded investigation and annihilation (Gen. 18:20,21; cp. Gen. 4:10; Lev. 18:25; Num. 35:33; Rom. 8:19-22).
- Abraham understands the Lord’s intention, and undertakes an intercessory prayer ministry on behalf of his nephew, Lot (Gen. 18:22-33).
- Abraham is incredulous that the Lord’s Divine discipline would also impact the righteous alongside the wicked (Gen. 18:23,25; Mt. 5:45).
- Abraham requests the Lord to spare Sodom for the sake of 50 believers, in a city of perhaps 30,000-50,000 inhabitants.
- The Lord agrees to spare Sodom on account of 50 believers, which causes Abraham to fear that he had estimated too generously (Gen. 18:26-28).
- Abraham continues to “auction” his prayer request a total of six times.
- Abraham limits his own prayers to a “final answer” (Gen. 18:32).
- The Lord answered Abraham’s “final” prayer and departed (Gen. 18:32,33), and yet had regard for the desire of Abraham’s heart when he answered the request Abraham never stated (Gen. 19:29).
Genesis Chapter Nineteen
- Lot is seated in the gate of Sodom “acting like a judge” (Gen. 19:1,9).
- Lot was oppressed, and his righteous soul was tormented day after day (2nd Pet. 2:7,8).
- When the two angels arrived, Lot vehemently urged them to not stay in the city square (Gen. 19:2,3).
- In the evening, the men of Sodom demanded that Lot surrender his two guests into their hands for homosexual activity (Gen. 19:5), and Lot counters their demand with an offer of his two virgin daughters (Gen. 19:6-9).
- The angels rescue Lot, and deliver his family out of Sodom (Gen. 19:10-26).
- Lot’s married children are not rescued (v.14).
- Lot’s wife looks back, and joins in the Divine judgment (v.26; Lk. 17:32).
- Lot established a residence in a mountain cave, and comes into even greater evil with his two daughters (Gen. 19:30-38).
Genesis Chapter Twenty
- Abraham sojourned in the land of Gerar (Gen. 20:1). Abimelech, King of Gerar, was one of the earliest Philistines to inhabit the land of Canaan (Gen. 21:34; 26:1).
- Abraham fails another test of fear for personal safety (Gen. 20:1,2,11; 12:12,13).
- God appears to Abimelech and pronounces judgment upon him (Gen. 20:3-7).
- Abimelech addresses God as Adonai.
- Abimelech describes his nation as righteous.
- Abimelech pleads his integrity and innocence.
- God and Abimelech bear witness to Sarah’s sexual purity.
- Abraham is then required by God to pray for Abimelech, and the Philistine kingdom (Gen. 20:8-18).
- Abimelech fears God (v.11).
- Abimelech is mindful of sin in his life and in his kingdom (v.9).
- Abimelech provides temporal-life blessings to God’s prophet, Abraham (vv.7,14-16).
- All of Abimelech’s people are called to witness Sarah’s purity (vv.8,16).
- Abraham intercedes for Abimelech and the Lord opens the wombs of Abimelech’s household (vv.17,18).
Genesis Chapter Twenty-One
- The Lord faithfully provided for the birth of Isaac, even as He had promised (Gen. 21:1-8).