Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Rev. 5-8
Revelation Chapter Five
- God the Father is in possession of a book, sealed with 7 seals, but nobody in all the dimensions is worthy to open it (Rev. 5:1-3).
- John begins to weep, because the book could not be opened (Rev. 5:4).
- An elder (the Church) has the perspective to bear witness to the victorious Lion (Rev. 5:5).
- God the Son is worthy to take the book from God the Father (Rev. 5:6-7).
- The lamb, standing as if slain shows that Christ has fulfilled His work assignment in His first advent.
- The lamb, having seven horns and seven eyes shows that Christ has fulfilled His work assignment as Head of the Church.
- The lamb is therefore qualified to begin His work in the Tribulation and Millennium.
- The Church and the angels are then pleased to sing the praises of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 5:9-14).
Revelation Chapter Six
- Chapters 6-19 take us prophetically through the Great Tribulation of Israel.
- Chapters 6-10 takes us through the seven seals, and the first six trumpets.
- Chapters 11-19 takes us through the seventh trumpet: the seven bowls of wrath in the final destruction of Satan’s Tribulational forces.
- Some scholars believe that ch.11-19 are a restatement of ch.6-10 based upon an unclear reading of Rev. 10:11. It is more straightforward to take Rev. 6-19 as an overall sequence with 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls increasing the Divine wrath upon the earth.
- The seven seals are opened by the Lord in rapid succession. Six of them are opened here in ch.6 (Rev. 6:1-17).
- Seal #1: the white horse (world ruler Antichrist).
- Seal #2: the red horse (end of the Satanic peace).
- Seal #3: the black horse: world food shortage.
- Seal #4: the pale horse: death of ¼ the earth’s population.
- Seal #5: comfort to the Tribulational martyrs.
- Seal #6: universal upheaval producing world-wide terror.
Revelation Chapter Seven
- As a pause in between Seal #6 & #7, John witnesses angelic activity on behalf of God’s mercy.
- The 4 mighty angels at the 4 corners of the earth are holding back a world-wide judgment until God’s faithful remnant can be sealed (Rev. 7:1-3).
- 144,000 Jewish believers are marked out for Divine preservation in the midst of the unleashed judgment (Rev. 7:4-8).
- An uncounted multitude of Gentile believers are also observed, having become saved and then martyred during the Tribulational period (Rev. 7:9-17).
Revelation Chapter Eight
- The 7th seal is broken, and a time of silence was observed before the next stage of wrath is unleashed on the Earth (Rev. 8:1-5).
- Seven trumpets are then blown, intensifying the wrath of God on Earth (Rev. 8:6-9:21).
- The first four trumpets represent world-wide plagues & destruction by direct Divine action.
- The final three trumpets are all called “woes.”