Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Rev. 1-4


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Revelation Chapter One

  1. Revelation is the unfolding of Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:1a).
    1. ἀποκάλυψις apokalupsis #602: disclosure, manifestation, appearance, unveiling.  ἀπό + καλύπτω to cover, hide, veil.
    2. God the Father permitted the Lord Jesus Christ to unveil Himself in the spiritual vision of the Apostle John (Rev. 1:1b).
    3. John’s responsibility was to communicate that unveiling to the Church under the principle of imminency (Rev. 1:1b-3).
  2. John immediately addressed the local churches under his apostolic supervision—the seven churches of Asia (Rev. 1:4,11).
  3. The Trinity is presented, with the emphasis upon Jesus Christ assuming the characteristics of the Father (Rev. 1:4-8).
    1. “Him who is and who was and who is to come” is the Father (v.4b).
    2. “The seven Spirits who are before His throne” is the Holy Spirit (v.4c).
    3. Jesus Christ is then highlighted, and the imminency of His second advent is stated (vv.5-7).
    4. Jesus Christ declares Himself to be the Alpha & Omega, and claims the description of the Father for Himself (vv.4,8).
  4. Α & Ω, the beginning and the end, are terms of Deity that emphasize His eternal life and His sovereignty (Isa. 41:4).
  5. John was physically in exile on the island of Patmos, but spiritually not constrained to that limited geography (Rev. 1:9-10).
    1. “In the Spirit” as used by John in Revelation refers to the spiritual transport outside of the body—indeed out of time & space (Rev. 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10).
    2. John heard the loud (trumpet-like) voice (v.10), and turned to see the great vision of the Lord (vv.12-17a).
    3. John was stunned to unconsciousness by the glory of the Lord’s appearance (v.17a; cf. Dan. 8:18; 10:9,10,15; Ezek. 1:28; 3:23).
  6. The symbolic-apocalyptic nature of Revelation is similar to that of Daniel & Ezekiel.  The symbols must be accepted as they are revealed in the text, and understood literally in terms of the reality they represent.
  7. The Apostle John beheld the glory of Jesus Christ, as the Apostle and High Priest of our confession (Rev. 1:12-16).
    1. He saw the symbolic vision of seven golden lampstands (v.12).  These are representative of the local churches that John oversees (v.20).
    2. He saw the Son of Man (Dan. 7) in the midst of the lampstands (Rev. 1:13-16).
      1. He was dressed in the manner of a high priest (v.13 cf. Dan. 10:5-6; 12:6-7).
      2. His appearance was like that of the Ancient of Days (v.14 cf. Dan. 7:9).
    3. The Son of Man held seven stars in His right hand (v.16a), representing the “angels” (messengers/pastors) of the seven churches (v.20).  CHURCH APPLICATION.
    4. The Son of Man verbally wielded the sharp, two-edged sword of judgment (v.16b; 19:15).  TRIBULATION AND MILLENNIUM APPLICATION.
    5. The Son of Man illumines the world in glorious light of the sun (v.16c; 21:23; 22:5).  FULLNESS OF TIMES APPLICATION.
  8. Revelation is outlined into three broad divisions (Rev. 1:19).
    1. The things which you have seen: the visionary experience on Patmos (ch.1).
    2. The things which are: the messages to the seven churches (ch.2&3).
    3. The things which will take place after these things: the post-Rapture events of the Tribulation, Millennium, and Fullness of Times (ch.4-22).

Revelation Chapter Two

  1. “The things which are” (Rev. 1:19) are a series of seven messages that are given through the Apostle to the seven local churches under his jurisdiction.
    1. Each message begins with a description of the glorified Christ.
    2. Each message contains an appeal for believers to pay attention to the Word as it is communicated in the local church.
    3. Each message contains a promise for future rewards He who overcomes (Rev. 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21 cf. 1st Jn. 2:13-14; 4:4; 5:4-5).
  2. The entire message is handed down the chain of command.  God the Father to Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) to the Apostle John to the particular “angel” messenger of each local church.
    1. During the Dispensation of the Church: Age of the Apostles, having a plurality of elders presented no problem, as they all fell under the authority of an Apostle.
    2. During the Dispensation of the Church: Age of the Local Church, there may still be a plurality of elders in a particular local church, but one of those elders is considered by Jesus Christ to be that local church’s singular ἄγγελος angelos heavenly messenger.
  3. Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7).
    1. The Pastor of Ephesus Bible Church✝︎ has seven commendations to his credit (vv.2-3), but it is all worthless because he has left his first love (v.4 cf. 1st Cor. 13:1-3).
    2. The Pastor of Ephesus Bible Church✝︎ has one command to obey—repent (v.5).  Failure to obey this command from the Lord will result in that Pastor losing his local church.
    3. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will enjoy dietary privileges in God’s garden (v.7).
  4. Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11).
    1. The Pastor of Smyrna Bible Church✝︎ has three commendations to his credit (v.9), and no stated demerits.
    2. The Pastor of Smyrna Bible Church✝︎ has two commands to obey—do not fear (v.10a), and be faithful until death (v.10b).
      1. Some of the congregation will be imprisoned.
      2. The entire congregation will have ten days (a finite period of time) of tribulation.
    3. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will be provided with Divine compassion at the Great White Throne judgment (v.11; 20:14).
  5. Pergamum (Rev. 2:12-17).
    1. The Pastor of Pergamum Bible Church✝︎ has three commendations to his credit (v.13), but a few (two) matters that the Lord cannot tolerate (vv.14-15).
      1. Some members of the local church held to the Doctrine of Balaam (v.14).
      2. Some members of the local church held to the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans (v.15).
    2. The Pastor of Pergamum Bible Church✝︎ has one command to obey—repent (v.16a).  Failure to obey this command from the Lord will result in the Head of the Church taking immediate judicial action (v.16b).
    3. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will receive a trinity of eternal blessings (v.17).
  6. 6. Thyatira (Rev. 2:18-29).
    1. The Pastor of Thyatira Bible Church✝︎ has six commendations to his credit (v.19), and one terrible shortcoming (v.20).
    2. The Pastor tolerated Jezebel, who was a false prophetess in the local church.  He allowed her to continue in her false teaching and immoral influence.
    3. The Head of the Church has already decreed immediate judicial action upon her.  Her followers still have time to repent, but her time for repentance has expired.
    4. The Pastor has one command to obey—hold fast until Christ comes (v.25).
    5. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will be entrusted with Millennial governing authority, and a medal of honor: the morning star (vv.26-28).

Revelation Chapter Three

  1. Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6).
    1. The Pastor of Sardis Bible Church✝︎ had no commendation.  The one claim he might have had was a false claim (v.1).
    2. The Pastor of Sardis Bible Church✝︎ was given a fourfold command to obey—wake up, strengthen, remember, and repent (vv.2-3).
    3. The spiritual deadness (carnality) of the Pastor’s ministry resulted in a majority of that congregation following his example to produce soiled garments (v.4).
    4. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will be clothed in white for all eternity, and will receive the Paterological reward of God the Father (v.5).
  2. Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-13).
    1. The Pastor of Philadelphia Bible Church✝︎ has five commendations to his credit (vv.8,10), and no stated demerits.
    2. The Pastor of Philadelphia Bible Church✝︎ is promised tangible blessings to his immediate ministry (v.9), an open door for even greater ministry (v.8), and special deliverance from future coming world-wide temptation (v.10).
    3. The Pastor of Philadelphia Bible Church✝︎ is given one command to obey—hold fast (v.11).
    4. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will attain pillar-status in the eternal temple of the Church (v.12).
  3. Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22).
    1. The Pastor of Laodicea Bible Church✝︎ had no commendation, but an approach to the ministry that made the Lord want to vomit (vv.15-16).
    2. Like the Pastor at Sardis, this Pastor was under considerable self-delusion (v.17).
    3. Divine provision is available for every believer who desires to remedy their spiritual shortcomings (v.18).
    4. Divine fellowship is available for every believer who desires to function in such intimacy (v.20).
    5. The Pastor of Laodicea Bible Church✝︎ had one command to obey—repent (v.19).
    6. The Overcomer (νικῶν nikōn) will receive a seat at the Son’s right hand when the Son is seated on the Father’s throne (Fullness of Time) (v.21).
  4. Many Bible scholars have seen the 7 churches of Rev. 2&3 as typological for the course of the Dispensation of the Church.
    1. Ephesus = the apostolic church.
    2. Smyrna = the martyr church (AD100-314).
    3. Pergamum = the worldly, controlling church (AD314-590).
    4. Thyatira = the Roman church (AD590-1000).
    5. Sardis = the Reformation church (AD1517-1700).
    6. Philadelphia = the revived church (AD1700-1900).
    7. Laodicea = the modern church (AD1900-present).

Revelation Chapter Four

  1. After receiving the 7 messages to the 7 local churches, John’s spiritual vision then shifts from “the things that are” to “the things that will take place after these things” (Rev. 1:19; 4:1).
  2. John is spiritually transported to the throne-room of God (Rev. 4:2-11).
    1. God the Father is seated on the throne (v.2-3).
    2. 24 elders were seated on 24 thrones around God the Father’s throne (v.4).  These elders are clothed in white and crowned, and Pastor Bob takes them to represent the Church.
    3. The Holy Spirit (7 lamps of fire) separates the thrones from the four living creatures (v.5).  The number 7 may relate to the ministry of the Holy Spirit to man in 7 areas (Isa. 11:2).
    4. Pastor Bob takes the four living creatures as Seraphim-rank 6-winged angels who proclaim God’s holiness (vv.6-9; Isa. 6:2-3).
    5. The Church and the angels are pleased to sing the praises of God the Father (vv.10-11).

✝︎ Pastor Bob’s nicknames for the local churches founded in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. They didn’t really call themselves that.