Daily reading

Today’s reading is: 1 Tim. 4-6


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First Timothy Chapter Four

  1. The role of the Church, through the function of individual local churches, becomes more vital in “later times” (1st Tim. 4:1).
  2. Demonic priorities are to insert false teaching into local churches during the Dispensation of the Church (1st Tim. 4:1-5).
  3. Faithful Pastors will point these things out to the brethren (1st Tim. 4:6).
  4. Faithful believers will labor and strive with a fixed hope, and self-discipline for godliness (1st Tim. 4:7-10; 1st Cor. 9:24-27).
  5. The chapter closes with Paul challenging Timothy to teach the Word, live the Word, and set the example for the growth of the entire flock (1st Tim. 4:11-16).  This paragraph sets the stage for the remainder of the book.

First Timothy Chapter Five

  1. Specific instructions are given for Timothy the Pastor in his relationship with members of the flock (1st Tim. 5:1ff.).  Of course, every believer can draw principles from this passage.
    1. The Pastor must be properly oriented to older men and younger men.
    2. The Pastor must be properly oriented to older women and younger women, with a stated emphasis of “all purity.”
  2. A great burden for Pastors—but also a tremendous resource—are the widows in the local assembly (1st Tim. 5:3-16).
    1. The local church is responsible to honor the widows who are truly widows (v.3), but those with Christian families are to meet their responsibilities (vv.4,7-8,16).
    2. The truly widowed can be dedicated entirely to the Lord’s service, or she can fall into a terrible snare (vv.5-6).
    3. The truly widowed can be “put on the list” and placed in service (as a Deaconess) if she has met the given qualifications (vv.9-15).
  3. When there is a plurality of elders in a single flock, particular care must be given for a Pastor in his relationship with fellow Pastors (1st Tim. 4:17-25).
    1. The preaching and teaching elders who lead the flock are worthy of significant financial support (vv.17-18; 1st Cor. 9:6-14).
    2. Elders are afforded the benefit of the doubt (v.19), but substantiated allegations require immediate public corrective action (vv.20-21).
    3. Training & ordaining men for such service is a matter for careful, deliberate consideration (vv.22-25).

First Timothy Chapter Six

  1. Another group that Timothy had to pastor were the slaves that were a part of Ephesus Bible Church✝︎ (1st Tim. 6:1-2).
  2. As Paul concludes his admonition to Timothy, he points out that false teachers are often oriented to controversial questions and disputes, and are always motivated by financial gain (1st Tim. 6:3-10 cf. Jn. 10:8,12-13).
  3. Paul charges Timothy with a series of pastoral imperatives (1st Tim. 6:11-21).
    1. Flee (v.11a). “these things” are the problematic areas described in vv.3-10.
    2. Pursue (v.11b). Six pursuit targets, largely similar to the fruit of the spirit.
    3. Fight (v.12). The good fight (cf. 1:18; 2nd Tim. 2:3; 4:7).
    4. Take hold (v.12b). Forgetting what lies behind (Phil. 3:12).
    5. Keep (v.14). The shepherding commandment (Jn. 21:15-17).
    6. Instruct (v.17). Financial humility for eternal exaltation (Mt. 6:19-21; Gal. 6:9; Phil. 4:17).
    7. Guard (v.20). The ministry is a solemn trust (1st Tim. 1:11; Rom. 3:2; 2nd Tim. 1:12-14).

✝︎ Pastor Bob’s nickname for the local church founded in Ephesus. They didn’t really call themselves that.