Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Mt. 26:26-35; Mk. 14:22-31; Lk. 22:14-34; Jn. 13:31-14:31
Matthew Chapter Twenty-Six
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- Following the Passover, Jesus provided a new ritual for His Disciples—the Communion service of the Church Age (Matt. 26:26-29).
- The New Covenant is not with the Church, but with Israel—repentant and accepting Christ, regathered from the four corners of the Earth (Jer. 31:31-37; 32:37-40; Ezek. 20:37; 34:25-31; 36:22-32; 37:26-28).
- The New Covenant replaces the broken Mosaic Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 7:11,22; 8:6).
- The Mosaic Covenant featured sprinkled blood when the covenant was accepted by those party to His conditional promises (Ex. 24:7-8).
- The New Covenant will feature sprinkled blood when the covenant will be accepted by those party to His unconditional promises (Mt. 23:39 cf. Ps. 118:22-29).
- Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant (Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24) and His Bride are Ministers of the New Covenant (2nd Cor. 3:6; Heb. 10:19-25).
- After the Communion, Jesus and 11 Disciples went out to the Mt. of Olives (Matt. 26:30-56).
- Judas Iscariot had already gone out to accomplish the betrayal (vv.47-50).
- He tells the 11 that this will be a night for them to be scattered, and they would meet Him in Galilee after the resurrection (vv.31,32 cf. Zech. 13:7).
- Peter steps forward in prideful denial (v.33), to which Jesus prophesies three more denials (v.34). Peter is not dissuaded, and neither are the other 10 (v.35).
(Chapter Twenty-Six continues on Day 314)
Mark Chapter Fourteen
(Outline continues from yesterday, Points 4. & 4a. repeated)
- On Thursday of the Passion week the disciples prepared the Passover meal for that evening (Mk. 14:12-25).
- During this meal, the Lord spoke of His imminent betrayal (vv.17-21).
- During this meal, the Lord delivered the Communion ritual to the disciples (vv.22-24).
- They ended their service with a hymn, and then went out to the Mt. of Olives for more Bible class and a prayer meeting (Mk. 14:26-42).
(Chapter Fourteen continues on Day 314)
Luke Chapter Twenty-Two
(Outline continues from yesterday, Point 2. repeated)
- On Thursday of the Passion Week [April 2nd, 33AD] Jesus sent Peter & John to take care of the Passover preparations (Lk. 22:7-13).
- The Lord enjoyed the Passover with His disciples, knowing that it would be His last until the Kingdom of God is revealed (Lk. 22:14-16).
- The Lord’s provided a new ritual for His disciples—the Communion service of bread & wine (Lk. 22:17-20).
- Jesus announced the presence of the betrayer (Lk. 22:21-23).
- Jesus also answered a dispute about greatness (Lk. 22:24-27).
- Jesus encouraged His disciples about their eternal reward (Lk. 22:28-30), but also warned them that the angelic conflict would be great (Lk. 22:31-32). This was the setting for His prophecy of Peter’s denials (Lk. 22:33-34).
(Chapter Twenty-Two continues on Day 314)
John Chapter Thirteen
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- Once the betrayer was gone, Jesus shifted to a series of messages pertaining to the soon to be revealed Dispensation of the Church (Jn. 13:31-17:26).
- The new commandment for the coming Church: love one another (Jn. 13:31-35 cf. 1st Jn. 2:7-10; 3:11,14-18,23; 2nd Jn. 5).
- Jesus also delivered a clear description of what the disciples should expect—to follow Him later (Jn. 13:36-38).
John Chapter Fourteen
- Jesus picks up with His train of thought from chapter thirteen (Jn. 13:36) with a word of encouragement concerning the Rapture of the Church (Jn. 14:1-4).
- The work of Jesus Christ in heaven after His death, burial, resurrection, & ascension is to prepare “a place” among the “many dwelling places” in heaven (v.2).
- The work of Jesus Christ when He comes again, is to receive the Church and take them back to heaven (v.3).
- Believers can, and will, follow after Christ to their heavenly home (Jn. 12:26; 13:33,36; 14:3; 17:24). Unbelievers cannot do so (Jn. 7:33-34; 8:21-22).
- The Apostle Thomas objected that they didn’t know the way to heaven (Jn. 14:5), prompting the sixth great I AM message: The Way and the Truth and the Life (Jn. 14:6-31).
- The exclusive nature of the Gospel message is spelled out (v.6). Apart from faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross, mankind is excluded from a righteous relationship with God the Father.
- The inclusive nature of the Christian way of life is spelled out. A result of faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross, believers are included in an abiding relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (vv.17,20,23).
- Our bodily access to the Father may wait until physical death or rapture, but our prayer access to the Father in the name of the son is immediate (vv.13-14).
- Prayer to Jesus in His name prompts Him to relay that prayer to the Father.
- This is an immature approach to prayer that needs to be developed into an intimate prayer ministry by believers directly to God the Father (Jn. 15:7,16; 16:23-27).
- Jesus promised His disciples that they would do greater works (v.12) and receive greater teaching in the coming Church Age (v.26).
- The Christian Way of Life as provided by the Way and the Truth and the Life is a life of peace in the fallen κόσμος kosmos despite the conflict with the ruler of the κόσμος kosmos (Jn. 14:27-31).