Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Mt. 12:46-13:30; Mk. 3:31-4:29; Lk. 8:4-21


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Matthew Chapter Twelve

(Outline continues from yesterday)

  1. The Lord’s earthly family arrived, and requested his presence.  He utilized the occasion to teach an important doctrinal lesson—believers must be focused upon accomplishing the Father’s Will (Matt. 12:46-50).

Matthew Chapter Thirteen

  1. Chapter 13 contains 7 parables of the Kingdom of Heaven. The eschatological theocratic kingdom is among the most comprehensive subjects for the OT prophets. Why now provide teaching in parables?
    1. He communicates in parables so that unbelieving Israel will not comprehend His message (Matt. 13:13-15,34-35; Isa. 6:9-10; Ps. 78:1-4).
    2. He reveals the Kingdom for the first time in “mysteries” (Matt. 13:11).  The Apostles are the recipients of mystery kingdom doctrines and will in the Dispensation of the Church be entrusted with revealing mystery doctrine in New Testament Scripture (Matt. 13:16-17; 1st Pet. 1:10-12; Eph. 3:1-12).
    3. Due to the rejection of the Christ in His 1st Advent, the Kingdom of Heaven emphasis is changed.
      1. It is no longer “at hand.” It is now “not of this world” (Jn. 18:36).
      2. It is foreshadowed on Earth in a Mystery State until it is physically manifest at 2nd Advent.
      3. The term Kingdom of Heaven (Mystery State) KoH(MS) references the time-frame between Israel’s rejection of Jesus Christ and ultimate acceptance of Jesus Christ. 
      4. Dispensationally, KoH(MS) encompasses the Dispensation of the Church and the Dispensation of Israel: Age of Tribulation.
  2. The Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:3-9) is explained by the Lord (Matt. 13:18-23).
    1. The roadside believer is carnal and cannot understand the Word of God.  The agents of the Adversary snatch away the seeds that have gone forth.
    2. The rocky believer is immature without the soil capacity to endure affliction.
    3. The thorny believer is entangled by circumstances & details of life, destroying their capacity to bear fruit.
    4. The good soil believer is the only believer prepared and capable to bear fruit.
    5. The underlying principle of the KoH(MS) is the principle of learning the Word of God and bearing fruit.
  3. The Parable of the Wheat & Tares (Matt. 13:24-30) is explained by the Lord (Matt. 13:36-43).
    1. The wheat are the born-again believers placed precisely where the Lord wants them.
    1. The tares are the counterfeit believers placed precisely where the Devil wants them—right alongside the true believers.
    2. The underlying circumstances of the KoH(MS) are the circumstances of diabolical infiltration.

(Chapter Thirteen continues tomorrow)

Mark Chapter Three

(Outline continues from yesterday)

  1. Jesus’ not only contrasted biological family with spiritual family, but He also highlighted the blessing of sitting at His feet (Mk. 3:31-35 cf. Lk. 10:39,42).

Mark Chapter Four

  1. Mark records the Kingdom of Heaven parables in a much shorter fashion than Matthew’s record (Mk. 4:3-34 ‖ Matt. 13:3-52).
    1. Mark includes the Parable of the Sower (with explanation), and the Parable of the Mustard Seed from Matt. 13.
    2. Mark also includes portions of the Sermon on the Mount in this record (Matt. 5:15-16; 7:1-2).
    3. Mark’s only unique parable is the Parable of the Seed (Mk. 4:26-29).

(Chapter Four continues tomorrow)

Luke Chapter Eight

(Outline continues from yesterday)

  1. The Parable of the Sower (Lk. 8:4-15), and the Lighted Lamp (Lk. 8:16-18) follow Mark’s order (Mk. 4:1-25), but Luke does not go on to give all the Kingdom of Heaven parables that Matthew delivers (Mt. 13:1-52).
  2. Jesus used the occasion of a visit by His earthly mother & ½ brothers to illustrate the spiritual family of disciples—hearing the Word and doing it (Lk. 8:19-21).

(Chapter Eight continues tomorrow)