Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Era 8: The Coming of Jesus Christ. 6BC-30AD


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Era 8: The Coming of Jesus Christ 6BC-33AD

An introductory class to prepare for Day 275 through Day 320. 46 messages for this era open the New Testament. Scriptures in this era are the first we’ve encountered to be written in Greek rather than Hebrew or Aramaic. Books covered are the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Silent Years 

Logos Factbook on Intertestamental Period is a great place to start.

Titus Flavius Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews is our best source for filling the gap between Malachi and Matthew. Born Joseph son of Matthias in 37AD, granted Roman citizenship by the emperor Vespasian in 71AD. 

Excellent LBD summary on Josephus’ life and writings.

Bible and Spade 3:3 (Summer 1990) describes the intertestamental period quite nicely.

Bible and Spade 1:3 (Summer 1972) presents an Arabic version of Josephus’ famous Testimonium Flavianum.

Timeline of Jerusalem. Useful Wikipedia summary (even with the anti-Bible and anti-Christian snark).

Dispensational Clarity

The four Gospels were all written in Greek by born-again Jewish Christians after the Acts 2 Day of Pentecost, all of them narrating events entirely prior to Acts 2.

Matthew’s Gospel portrays Christ the King. The Book of the Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham (Mt. 1:1). Echoing Genesis and Chronicles, the NT opens with an eager anticipation for remedying the vacated Davidic Throne. Focuses on Jesus’ lengthy discourses.

Mark’s Gospel portrays Christ the Servant. Written largely for a Gentile audience, focuses on actions more than words: 18 miracles but only four parables. Relied on Peter’s remembrances and possibly Matthew’s written text.

Luke’s Gospel portrays Christ the Man. Written for a specific noble recipient: most excellent Theophilus (Lk. 1:3), focuses on relatable human-interest stories (Mary & Elizabeth, Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, Rich Man & Lazarus, the Persistent Widow). Independently researched with numerous living and written sources (Lk. 1:1-4).

John’s Gospel portrays Christ the God-Man (Word made Flesh). Written years after the Synoptic Gospels, focuses on seven great I AM messages, and a select number of miracles so as to lead the reader to faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life (Jn. 20:31).