Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Neh. 11-12; 1 Chr. 9:1-34
Nehemiah Chapter Eleven
- Chapters 11-13 describe the circumstances within Israel after the completion of Jerusalem’s walls.
- Jerusalem was under-populated, so a tithe of all the Jews in the land was designated for the building up of the holy city (Neh. 11:1-2).
- Although individual believers and certain families may represent other Tribes after the captivity (Lk. 2:36), the only significantly large Tribes represented were Judah & Benjamin (Neh. 11:4).
- The land allotments are all southern territories that had previously been the Tribal territory of Judah & Benjamin (Neh. 11:25-36). The land of the northern Tribes at this time is in Samaritan hands.
Nehemiah Chapter Twelve
- The detailed census of the post-exilic inhabitants of Judah continues with the lineages and family heads of the priests and Levites (Neh. 12:1-26).
- The builders of the wall dedicated that wall to the glory of the Lord Who allowed that wall to be completed (Neh. 12:27-30).
- Ezra & Nehemiah lead two choir processionals around the walls of the city (Neh. 12:31-43). The two parades met at the temple, and a great worship celebration was conducted there.
- The proper activities of singers, gatekeepers, priests & Levites were established (Neh. 12:44-47).
First Chronicles Chapter Nine
- The importance of maintaining accurate genealogical records becomes all the more critical when Judah is carried away into exile to Babylon (1st Chr. 9).
- For the Family of David, the lineage is important for the coming Christ.
- For the Family of Aaron, the lineage is important for the preserved priesthood.
- For every Jew, lineage is important for land allotment, and inheritance rights.
- As the Jews return from their captivity, their lineage for land allotment and inheritance rights will once again become important (1st Chr. 9:2-34).
(Chapter Nine continues on Day 106)