Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Dan. 10-12; Ezra 4:24-5:1; Hag. 1
Daniel Chapter Ten
- Daniel receives his last recorded message in the 3rd year of Cyrus, King of Persia. 537BC when Daniel was 82 years of age.
- Daniel’s response to this vision was to fast and pray for three weeks (missing a Passover in the process) (Dan. 10:2-3).
- The Lord Jesus Christ personally appears to Daniel, speaking to him, and leaving him comatose (Dan. 10:4-9; cf. Rev. 1:13-17).
- Daniel had experienced this condition before (Dan. 8:17-18).
- On this occasion, Daniel will need to be strengthened three times (Dan. 10:10,16,18).
- An angel (most likely Gabriel again) touches Daniel and revives his physical strength (Dan. 10:10) and proceeds to explain his delay in arriving (Dan. 10:11-13).
- He had been captured and held prisoner by the Prince of Persia (Dan. 10:13,20).
- Another prince is mentioned as well—the Prince of Greece (Dan. 10:20).
- Michael is identified as the Prince of Israel (Dan. 10:13,21; 12:1).
- Gabriel restores Daniel’s speech (Dan. 10:16) & strength (Dan. 10:18), and provides additional strength (Dan. 10:19) for Daniel to endure the coming message.
- The angelic ministrations that Daniel received is similar to the ministrations that the Lord Jesus Christ received during His earthly ministry (Matt. 4:11; Lk. 22:43; Heb. 1:14).
- Gabriel states his need to return to the angelic warfare, but delays long enough to give Daniel a Bible class from the “Writing of Truth” (Dan. 10:20-21).
Daniel Chapter Eleven
- Chapter 11 details the content of the vision that left Daniel so troubled in Chapter 10.
- This horrifying vision is an amplification of Daniel’s previous 2 beast vision, expanding the description of the coming Greek empire.
- The course of Persian history is outlined to the 4th king (Ahaseurus) (Dan. 11:1-2).
- A mighty king will arise, and do as he pleases (Dan. 11:3-4). The rise and fall of Alexander the great is seen here (cp. Dan. 8:8,22).
- The King of the South vs. the King of the North (Dan. 11:5-35). These terms refer to the division of Alexander’s empire.
- King of the South: the Ptolemy ruler of Egypt.
- King of the North: the Seleucid ruler of Syria.
Note: a very helpful listing of these Ptolemy and Seleucid rulers is available in the Bible Knowledge Commentary.
- A despicable person arises to become King of the North (Dan. 11:21).
- History names him Antiochus IV (Epiphanes).
- He is the Greek little horn previously revealed (Dan. 8:9-12,23-25).
- He foreshadows the Roman little horn (Dan. 7:8) who is detailed as “the King” below (Dan. 11:36-45).
- He hates the Jews (Dan. 11:22,30) and makes a deceptive covenant with them (Dan. 11:23-24).
- He desecrates the Jewish Temple and motivates the faithful remnant of believers to take action (Dan. 11:31-35).
- The typology of Antiochus Epiphanies gives way to the prophecy of Antichrist (Dan. 11:36-45).
- The boastful horn (Dan. 7:8,11,20,24-26).
- The Prince Who is To Come (Dan. 9:26-27).
- The self-exalted and magnified god-king (Dan. 11:36).
- The Man of Lawlessness, Son of Perdition (2nd Thess. 2:3).
- Antichrist (1st Jn. 2:18,22; 2nd Jn. 7).
- The Beast (Rev. 13:1-10).
Daniel Chapter Twelve
- The chapter division is unfortunate, as Chapter 12 picks up the narrative from the end of Chapter 11. “At that time” is a reference to the time of Antichrist (Dan. 11:40-45), when the Archangel Michael arises to defend Israel (Dan. 12:1).
- The Great Tribulation is a unique period of time unlike anything before or after (Dan. 12:1; Jer. 30:7; Ezek. 5:9; Matt. 24:21-22).
- At the conclusion of the Tribulation, only believers will enter into the eschatological theocratic kingdom (Millennium).
- The resurrection of life and resurrection of disgrace & abhorrence are described (Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5:28-29; Rev. 20:4-5).
- The faithful Jewish evangelists will be rewarded (Dan. 12:3).
- Daniel is instructed to record his visions in Scripture, and set the stage for the fulfillment of prophecy (Dan. 12:4).
- Daniel observes the angelic briefing also in progress, and has more questions concerning the things to come (Dan. 12:5-8).
- The information Daniel wanted was not for him to know (Dan. 12:9).
- The Tribulational Remnant will be given the insight to understand such things (Dan. 12:10).
- The angels are notified of events of a 3 ½ year duration (Dan. 12:14 cf. 7:25). Elsewhere this period of time is referred to as 42 months (Rev. 11:2; 13:5) and as 1260 days (Rev. 11:3; 12:6).
- Two additional events are to occur 30 days after the Tribulation (the 1290 day reference, Dan. 12:11) and 75 days after the Tribulation (the 1335 day reference, Dan. 12:12). These events are not stated here, but logically they could refer to:
- The time required for the dust of the Gentile empires to blow away (Dan. 2:35). This may be the 30 day time period.
- The time required to judge the Jews (Ezek. 20:33-44) and the Gentiles (Matt. 25:31-46). This may be the 45 day time period.
- The time required to build “Ezekiel’s” temple. This may be the 2,330 days mentioned for the holy place to be restored (Dan. 8:14).
- The Book closes with final words of encouragement for Daniel. His life was nearly complete, and his reward is great (Dan. 12:13).
Ezra Chapter Four
(Outline continues from Day 266)
- Artaxerxes responded to the letter of Bishlam, Mithredath & Tabeel by ordering a total halt to all building projects in Jerusalem (Ezr. 4:7-24).
- The son of Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) reigned from 464-423BC.
- Dispatched Ezra to Jerusalem in 458BC (Ezr. 7).
- Allowed his cupbearer Nehemiah to rebuild the city walls in 445BC (Neh. 2:1-8).
Haggai Chapter One
- Chapter 1 contains the first of four messages that Haggai delivered over a four month period of time.
- Haggai’s message is directed to Zerubbabel the governor & Jehozadak the high priest (Hag. 1:1).
- Zerubbabel was the grandson of King Jehoiachin, and the heir to the throne of David in the line of Christ (Matt. 1:12). He is not a Davidic King, but a Persian governor.
- Joshua (Jeshua) was the son of Jehozadak & grandson of Seraiah the last high priest of Jerusalem.
- The Lord rebuked the returnees for their misplaced priorities (Hag. 1:2-11). They had rebuilt their own houses but left the temple unfinished.
- The Lord admonishes them to consider their ways (Hag. 1:5).
- Zerubbabel, Joshua & all the returnees responded positively to the Lord’s rebuke (Hag. 1:12-15).