Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Ezek. 10-13


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Ezekiel Chapter Ten

  1. In Chapter 10 Ezekiel gets his closest look at the Lord’s chariot-throne and the cherubim that carried it.
  2. A comparison of Ezekiel 1:10, 10:14, & Revelation 4:7.
    1. Ezek. 1:10 Four wings & four faces: man, lion, bull, eagle.
    2. Ezek. 10:14 Four wings & faces: cherub, man, lion, eagle.
    3. Rev. 4:7 Four six-winged living creatures: lion, calf, man, eagle.
  3. It was necessary for God’s glory to depart for an even greater glory to appear.
  4. The burning coals served to purify the defiled land (Mal. 3:1-4).

Ezekiel Chapter Eleven

  1. The shekinah glory of the Lord has entered His throne-chariot, and has paused at the eastern gate of the temple (Ezek. 10:18-19).
  2. Ezekiel is then spiritually transported to that eastern gate, in order to see why the Lord delayed His departure out of Jerusalem (Ezek. 11:1).
  3. Ezekiel observes a false assembly, which is convened to replace the legitimate priestly assembly of 25.
  4. This false assembly is gathered under Satanic leadership communicating Satanic messages to lead Israel into rebellion against God.
  5. Two ring-leaders are highlighted.  This is a common feature of Satanic rebellions:
    1. Jaazaniah & Pelatiah against Jeremiah.
    2. Jannes & Jambres against Moses (2nd Tim. 3:8).
    3. Hymenaeus & Alexander (1st Tim. 1:20) and Hymenaeus & Philetus (2nd Tim. 2:17) in the ministry of Paul.
    4. The two beasts of the Tribulation (Rev. 13).
  6. Messengers of Satan often resort to murder, in order to maintain their false message (Ezek. 11:6,7).
  7. Ezekiel delivers his message against the ringleaders and Pelatiah fell dead (Ezek. 11:13a), prompting Ezekiel’s fervent intercession (Ezek. 11:13b).
  8. The message of judgment is followed by a message of restoration (Ezek. 11:14-21).  This restoration does not refer to the Z/E/N returnings, but to the regathering of Israel at the 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ.
  9. The glory of the Lord departed from Jerusalem, and hovered over the Mount of Olives to the east of the city (Ezek. 11:22-23).
  10. Ezekiel is returned to his body, and communicates the entire contents of Chapters 8-11 to the exiles in Babylon (Ezek. 11:24-25).

Ezekiel Chapter Twelve

  1. Ezekiel’s rebellious audience is incapable of perceiving spiritual truth (Ezek. 12:2).
  2. Ezekiel is instructed to perform two more instructive skits (Ezek. 12:3-7).
    1. The matinee: packing for exile (vv.3,4a).
    2. The evening show: sneaking out of the house (vv.4b-6).
    3. Ezekiel faithfully executes his instructions, although he has no idea why (v.7).
  3. Ezekiel receives a four-part explanation for his skit, and how to use that skit to teach the coming captivity of Zedekiah to the exiles in Babylon (Ezek. 12:8-28).
    1. Part One (vv.8-16): This skit is a picture of Zedekiah sneaking out of Jerusalem between the walls and getting caught (2nd Kgs. 25:4).
    2. Part Two (Ezek. 12:17-20): Eat & drink nervously—this is probably your last meal.
    3. Part Three (Ezek. 12:21-25): Your false proverb is going to be done away with.
    4. Part Four (Ezek. 12:26-28): Past proffered prophecies presently performed.
  4. Bottom lines to this message:
    1. God’s Word will be fulfilled (Isa. 55:11).
    2. God’s timetable is not our timetable (Isa. 55:8-9; Psa. 90:4; 2nd Pet. 3:8).
    3. Our responsibility is to be found faithfully waiting (Ps. 27:14; 130:5-6; Isa. 30:18; Lam. 3:25-26; Hab. 2:3; Mic. 7:7; Matt. 24:45-51; 1st Thess. 1:9-10; 2nd Pet. 3:12-13; Jas. 5:7-8).

Ezekiel Chapter Thirteen

  1. Ezekiel is charged to rebuke the false prophets of his generation who were delivering false messages to the exiles (Ezek. 13:2-16).
    1. False prophets communicate “their own spirit” from the lusts of their own heart (Ezek. 13:2-3) under demonic influence (Ezek. 13:6-7).
    2. False prophets are like scavengers in the ruins when they should be soldiers on the wall (Ezek. 13:4-5).
  2. The Lord is the adversary to those who serve the Adversary (Ezek. 13:8-16).
    1. The Adversary’s primary message is a message of peace (Ezek. 13:10a).
    2. False teaching builds an artificial wall that looks good, but cannot withstand the judgment coming against it (Ezek. 13:10b-16).
  3. The Lord also condemns the women who promote witchcraft among His people (Ezek. 13:17-24).
    1. They are hunters of souls as they ensnare their men in their webs (Ezek. 13:18,20-21).
    2. They are not help-mates in serving the Lord, but are encouragers to keep doing evil (Ezek. 13:22).