Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Ezek. 5-9
Ezekiel Chapter Five
- Ezekiel is instructed to bear even more shame with a shave & a haircut (Ezek. 5:1).
- For a Levitical priest, this was forbidden (Lev. 21:5), and for any Jew it was shameful (2nd Sam. 10:4).
- The Lord’s purpose is explained, and Ezekiel’s hair became the visual aide to teach Bible class (Ezek. 5:2-12).
- The wrath of God is applied to His own nation, and should be a tremendous warning to every other nation on the earth (Ezek. 5:13-17).
Ezekiel Chapter Six
- Ezekiel is given a hostile message to deliver to the mountains, hills, ravines, & valleys of Israel (Ezek. 6:1-3).
- The exiles aren’t addressed, as they can’t remove the idols from Israel.
- The remnant in Jerusalem aren’t addressed, as they won’t remove the idols from Israel.
- The mountains themselves are addressed as God is glorified through announcing His actions and faithfully accomplishing it (Isa. 41:21-23,26; 45:21).
- God promises a remnant for Israel that will be preserved through captivity in foreign lands (Ezek. 6:8).
- This remnant is promised a restoration during a time of true repentance and self-loathing resulting in an unparalleled knowledge of God (Ezek. 6:9-11; 7:16; 12:16; 16:63; 20:43; 36:31).
- Divine discipline is not pleasant, but must be appreciated by believers who understand its necessity and its blessing (Ezek. 6:11-14).
Ezekiel Chapter Seven
- Ezekiel’s message of judgment emphasizes “the end” (Ezek. 7:2,3,6x2). This is similar to Amos’ message (Amos 8:1-3).
- The wrath of God is manifest “according to” their ways (Ezek. 7:3,8,9,27), and yet “not according to” their ways (Ezek. 20:44; Ps. 103:10; Ezra 9:13).
- “The time has come,” “the day is near,” and “shortly” all reflect God the Father’s perfect timing in the perfect execution of His perfect plans (Ezek. 7:7-8).
- The Lord may use earthly tools, but He Himself is the One doing the smiting (Ezek. 7:9).
- There is nothing humanly possible to prevent this judgment, from military might to wealth (Ezek. 7:10-19).
- The spiritual ugliness of Judah’s idolatry will be matched by the physical ugliness of Babylonians defiling their holy city and the House of the Lord (Ezek. 7:20-27).
Ezekiel Chapter Eight
- Chapters 8-11 form a spiritual journey through time and space that the Lord takes Ezekiel on to survey Judah’s great evil.
- The 6th year, 6th month, 5th day occurred within the time-frame of Ezekiel’s laying prostrate in shame (Ezek. 8:1; 4:4-6).
- The elders of Judah sat before him.
- They were possibly inquiring of the Lord (Ezek. 20:1), but this does not indicate that they had positive volition towards His Word (Ezek. 14:1-3; 33:31-32).
- Ezekiel is spiritually lifted up and dimensionally positioned between the realm of earth and the realm of heaven (Ezek. 8:3).
- In this dimensional state outside of space & time, he is brought to Jerusalem, where he will observe a panorama of Jerusalem’s idolatry through the years (Ezek. 8:6,13,15).
- He is brought to the Jerusalem of King Manasseh’s day.
- An idol is seated within the temple (Ezek. 8:3).
- There were many instances of idolatry in Judah’s history, but only King Manasseh went so far as to seat an idol within the temple (2nd Kgs. 21:7).
- Good King Josiah (king at Ezekiel’s birth) removed that idol (2nd Kgs. 23:6).
- The idolatry of Judah was crafted in the very presence of the glory of God (Ezek. 8:4).
- He is brought to the Jerusalem of King Manasseh’s day.
- The Lord specifically highlights what Ezekiel is supposed to see (Ezek. 8:5), & verifies what Ezekiel is supposed to understand (Ezek. 8:6).
- The Lord takes Ezekiel within the Holy of Holies to see the idolatry there, and even within these men’s very souls to see the idolatry there (Ezek. 8:10-13).
- The panorama of idolatry also demonstrated Tammuz worship and sun worship (Ezek. 8:14-18).
Ezekiel Chapter Nine
- While Ezekiel was watching, the Lord uttered the command: “Draw near!” (Ezek. 9:1-3)
- Six angelic executioners and one angelic scribe answered the summons.
- As the angels drew near, the shekinah glory of God prepared to depart.
- The Lord instructed His angelic scribe to place a seal of protection upon those who were not partakers of the idolatry (Ezek. 9:4).
- The Lord instructed His angels to scour the city of every person without His personal seal of protection (Ezek. 9:5-7).
- Ezekiel became a personal intercessor for his wicked people (Ezek. 9:8), but the judgment is unavoidable (Ezek. 9:9-10).
- The angelic scribe didn’t need a whole lot of time to mark out the faithful believers within Jerusalem (Ezek. 9:11).