Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Jer. 22:24-23:32; 49:1-33; 2 Kgs. 24:5-9; 2 Chr. 36:6-9
Jeremiah Chapter Twenty-Two
(Outline continues from Day 221)
- Jeremiah’s message against Coniah (Jehoiachin) was that his line would be forbidden from ever sitting on the Davidic throne (Jer. 22:24-30; 2nd Kgs. 24:12-16).
- Under the Curse of Coniah, Jesus Christ would not be entitled to the Throne of David.
- Jesus Christ is not a physical son of Coniah, being (through Joseph) the legal heir and son of David by Solomon (Matt. 1:2-16), but also (through Mary) a literal and physical son David by Nathan (Lk. 3:23-38).
- Both genealogical lines intersect at Shealtiel & Zerubabbel, and at Jesus Christ (Matt. 1:12; Lk. 3:27). To Zerubabbel was given a mitigation of the Coniah Curse, to be applied at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ (Hag. 2:21-23).
Jeremiah Chapter Twenty-Three
- The Lord rebukes the faithless shepherds (kings) of Judah (Jer. 23:1-4; cf. Ezek. 34).
- He promises a faithful Branch, Who will be a blessing to His people (Jer. 23:5-8; 33:15).
- The Branch is the Lord Jesus Christ, first introduced by Isaiah (Isa. 4:2; 11:15; 53:2).
- The Branch will also be spoken of by Ezekiel (Ezek. 17:2-10,22-24), & Zechariah (Zech. 3:8; 6:12-13).
- His Royal Name will be יְהוָה צִדְקֵנוּ Jehovah Tsidqēnu: The Lord our Righteousness (Jer. 23:6).
- The regathering of Israel into the land will overshadow even the Exodus of Israel out of Egypt (Jer. 23:7-8; 16:14-15).
- The Lord describes and denounces the false prophets of Jeremiah’s day (Jer. 23:9-40).
- The false prophets broke Jeremiah’s heart (v.9).
- The false prophets of Samaria & Jerusalem are addressed (vv.13-15).
- Believers are accountable to the Lord to reject false teaching (vv.16,18; 1st Cor. 14:29; 1st Thess. 5:20-21; 1st Jn. 4:1).
- The whole object for false teaching is to get believers’ eyes off the Lord (v.27).
- The true prophet wields both fire and hammer (vv.28-32).
(Chapter Twenty-Three continues tomorrow)
Jeremiah Chapter Forty-Nine
- Ammon’s pride brings about destruction (Jer. 49:1-5), but like Moab, Ammon is promised a restoration (Jer. 49:6).
- Edom’s worldly wisdom is brought to an end by the Lord’s wrath (Jer. 49:7-22).
- Damascus, the city of praise, is silenced (Jer. 49:23-27).
- Kedar’s & Hazor’s prosperity and tranquility are ended, as Kedar & Hazor are plundered (Jer. 49:28-33).
(Chapter Forty-Nine continues on Day 230)
Second Kings Chapter Twenty-Four
(Outline continues from Day 221)
- Jehoiakim did not enjoy any blessings of national freedom, as the Lord continued to extend judgment upon the house of Manasseh (2nd Kgs. 24:1-7).
- The three month reign of King Jehoiachin of Judah is described (2nd Kgs. 24:8-17).
(Chapter Twenty-Four continues on Day 231)
Second Chronicles Chapter Thirty-Six
(Outline continues from Day 221)
- The 11 year reign of Jehoiakim (2nd Chr. 36:5-8; 2nd Kgs. 23:34-37; 24:1-5). Jehoiakim was bound in chains (2nd Chr. 36:6), but left in Jerusalem in exchange for royal hostages (cf. Dan. 1:3ff.).
- The 3 month reign of Jehoiachin (2nd Chr. 36:9-10; 2nd Kgs. 24:6-16). Jehoiachin was 18 years old (Kings) rather than 8 years old (Chronicles, disputed text).
(Chapter Thirty-Six continues on Day 231)