Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Jer. 16-18; 35
Jeremiah Chapter Sixteen
- The Lord provides Jeremiah with his next instructions (Jer. 16:1-9).
- No marriage life or family life for him (vv.1-4).
- No attending of funerals (vv.5-7).
- No attending of parties (vv.8-9).
- The Lord provides Jeremiah with a response to deliver to Jerusalem’s question of “why?” The explanation is given in generational terms (Jer. 16:10-13).
- The Captivity Generation represents the worst apostasy up to that point—outdoing the Exodus Generation, the Wilderness Generation, the Give us a King Generation, and the Fall of Samaria Generation (Jer. 16:12-13 cf. 7:26).
- Even greater evil will be manifest by the Crucifixion Generation (Mt. 23:36; 27:25; Acts 2:40) and the Antichrist Generation (Mt. 10:23; 24:13-14,34).
- The promise of restoration is given in comparison with—and superior to the Exodus (Jer. 16:14-21).
- The regathering is the work of fishermen and hunters (v.16).
- The regathering transpires after the double-discipline is applied (vv.17-18).
- Jeremiah’s song will be restored Israel’s song—we have been serving empty idols (vv.19-20).
- The Lord’s song will be the song He tried to teach them in the Exodus (v.21).
Jeremiah Chapter Seventeen
- The Lord tries the heart (Jer. 17:10; cf. 1st Sam. 16:7; Prov. 16:2; 21:2; 24:12; Lk. 16:15) and has found Judah guilty (Jer. 17:1-4).
- The Lord describes two men—one cursed and one blessed (Jer. 17:5-8).
- The heart is a fallen wreck as the result of sin, and incapable of serving God (Jer. 17:9-18).
- More deceitful than all else (Jer. 17:9a). עָקֹב ‘aqōb #6121: deceitful, sly; fr. עָקַב ‘āqab #6117: to supplant, overreach, attack at the heel. Cf. יַעֲקֹב ya‘aqōb #3290: Jacob, heel holder (Gen. 25:26).
- Desperately sick (Jer. 17:9b). אָנַשׁ ’ānash #605: to be weak, sick, incurable; Rel. to אֱנָשׁ ’enāsh #606 & אֱנׄושׁ ’enowsh #582: man, human being, mankind.
- Only the Lord can know our heart, and redeem our heart (Jer. 17:9c,10).
- The throne and sanctuary of the Lord has been established from the beginning (Jer. 17:12).
- Forsaking the Lord and His provision of living water is the lost estate of sick, deceitful man (Jer. 17:13).
- Healing and salvation is entirely the work of God (Jer. 17:14).
- Once saved, the believer clings to the Lord for his daily provision and protection (Jer. 17:15-18).
- Jeremiah is given a Sabbath message to deliver at the city gate (Jer. 17:19-27).
- Isaiah had previously addressed this issue (Isa. 56:2; 58:13).
- Nehemiah will later address this issue (Neh. 13:15-22).
- The Pharisees will totally pervert this issue (Jn. 5:10-18).
Jeremiah Chapter Eighteen
- Jeremiah was assigned a field trip to the potter’s house for the purpose of receiving the full impact of the Lord’s next message (Jer. 18:1-6).
- The Lord delayed giving His message to Jeremiah, until he had seen the potter remake a spoiled vessel into another vessel for his own pleasure (vv.3-4).
- The Lord instructs Jeremiah that He is the potter, and Israel is the clay (vv.5-6; cf. Isa. 45:9; 64:8; Rom. 9:21).
- The Lord described His procedures in delivering messages to nations (Jer. 18:7-17).
- Hostile messages (v.7) may produce repentance (v.8).
- Encouraging messages (v.9) may be followed by apostasy (v.10).
- The Lord’s hostile message to Jerusalem (v.11) failed to produce any repentance (v.12).
- The Lord described His astonishment at the appalling condition of Israel (vv.13-17; cf. Jer. 2:9-13).
- Even while the Lord was teaching Jeremiah, the people of Jerusalem were determining to ignore anything that Jeremiah had to say (Jer. 18:18).
- Jeremiah surrendered his enemies into the hands of the Lord for the execution of His vengeance (Jer. 18:19-23).
Jeremiah Chapter Thirty-Five
- Chapter 35 is one of Jeremiah’s earliest messages, during the reign of King Jehoiakim (Jer. 35:1).
- The Lord instructs Jeremiah to bring the Rechabites into the temple, and give them wine to drink (Jer. 35:2).
- רֵכָב rekāb #7394: rider, charioteer.
- The Rechabites were a clan within Israel that were forbidden to consume alcohol, or settle down in permanent dwellings (Jer. 35:6-7).
- This prohibition was a human requirement laid down under laws of establishment principles of family & nationalism (Jer. 35:8-10).
- Jonadab, the son of Rechab, was the founder of this clan (2nd Kgs. 10:15-23).
- The Lord used the faithfulness of the Rechabites to establishment life obedience as an illustration of Israel’s faithlessness to spiritual life obedience (Jer. 35:12-19).