Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Amos 7-9; 2 Kgs. 14:28-29; 15:6-29; 2 Chr. 26:22-23; Isa. 6:1-13


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Amos Chapter Seven

  1. Amos sees the first of five visions in this section (Am. 7:1-3).
    1. Amos saw the Sovereignty of God at work, preparing a locust-swarm (v.1).
    2. The swarm was prepared to hurt the people, but not the king (v.2).
    3. Amos averted that locust swarm by praying to the Lord God for mercy (v.3).
  2. Amos sees the second of five visions in this section (Am. 7:4-6).
    1. Amos saw the Sovereignty of God at work, turning a wild-fire into populated farmlands (v.4).
    2. Amos becomes the intercessor once again, “changing the Lord’s mind” (vv.5-6).
  3. Amos sees the third of five visions in this section (Am. 7:7-9).
    1. Amos sees the Lord standing by a wall with a plumb line (v.7).
    2. The plumb line of the Lord is His absolute standard of Righteousness, and the execution of His Justice accordingly (Isa. 28:17).
    3. Unlike the two previous visions, where Amos saw the danger, and averted it through fervent, effectual prayer, in this vision, the Lord explains the plumb-line to Amos, and then declares the judgment upon Israel (vv.8,9).
  4. A false-priest accuses Amos of being a false prophet, and tries to drive Amos out of town (Am. 7:10-13).
  5. Amos denies being a prophet at all, and pronounces Divine judgment upon Israel (Am. 7:14-17).

Amos Chapter Eight

  1. Amos sees the fourth of five visions in this section (Am. 8:1-3).
    1. Amos sees a basket of summer fruit (fully ripe fruit) (vv.1,2a).
    2. The judgment Amos prophesies is a long-delayed judgment that can be delayed no longer (v.2b).
    3. Songs are turned into mourning, the opposite of what the Lord will do when the judgment is complete (v.3 cf. Jer. 31:13).
  2. Amos proclaimed a message of judgment to the prideful predators of Israel (Am. 8:4-14).
    1. These predators are so intent upon their profits that religious holidays and observances simply get in their way (v.5).
    2. Divine judgment comes in the form of national discipline (v.10), and a spiritual famine of truth (v.11).

Amos Chapter Nine

  1. Amos sees the fifth and final vision in this section (Am. 9:1-15).
  2. Amos saw the Lord standing beside the pagan altar of Bethel (v.1a).
  3. The Lord orders the destruction of the idolatrous temple, and the execution of the idolatrous priesthood (vv.1b-4).
  4. The Lord’s prophetic message highlighted His Sovereignty (vv.5-6), and the certainty of His judgment upon the nations (vv.7-10).
  5. Israel will be restored at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ because of the unconditional promises given to Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, and the unconditional kingdom promises given to David (vv.11-15).

Second Kings Chapter Fourteen

(Outline continues from Day 176)

  1. The reign of Azariah is described (2nd Kgs. 14:21-22).
  2. The reign of Jeroboam II of Israel is then described (2nd Kgs. 14:23-29).

Second Kings Chapter Fifteen

(Outline continues from Day 176)

  1. The 6 month reign of Zechariah the son of Jeroboam is described (2nd Kgs. 15:8-12).
    1. King Zechariah of Israel is not to be confused with the prophet Zechariah (Zech. 1:1), the high priest Zechariah (2nd Chr. 24:20), or any other of the total of 32 Biblical Zechariah’s found in the Bible.
    2. Zechariah the son of Jeroboam the son of Joash the son of Jehu completed the Lord’s promised 4 generation dynasty of Jehu (2nd Kgs. 15:12; 10:30).
  2. Shallum’s one month reign over Israel is described (2nd Kgs. 15:13-16).
  3. Menahem’s ten year reign over Israel is described (2nd Kgs. 15:17-22).
    1. Pul, king of Assyria is identified by his historical name of Tiglath-Pileser III (2nd Kgs. 16:7).
    2. In exchange for the tribute he provided, Menahem enjoyed Assyrian support for his reign.
  4. Pekahiah’s two year reign over Israel is described (2nd Kgs. 15:23-26).
  5. Pekah’s twenty year reign over Israel is described (2nd Kgs. 15:27-31).

(Chapter Fifteen continues tomorrow)

Second Chronicles Chapter Twenty-Six

(Outline continues from Day 176)

  1. The last years of Uzziah’s life were spent in isolation, as his son co-reigned in his place (2nd Chr. 26:21-23).

Isaiah Chapter Six

  1. Isaiah observed a vision of the LORD in the year that King Uzziah died (Isa. 6:1).
    1. Some scholars (e.g. Ron Rhodes) believe that this incident is a “flashback” to Isaiah’s initial call to the ministry, and therefore precedes the ministry of Isaiah 1-5.
    2. Others (including Pastor Bob) believe that this incident occurred after Isaiah was already established in his prophetic ministry, and set him apart to deliver the great Christological prophesies which follow.
  2. Isaiah observed Adonai sitting on a throne, with a kingly robe filling the temple.
    1. The Apostle John explains that this was a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn. 12:41).
    2. It is not clear whether the scene is Solomon’s temple, Ezekiel’s temple, or the heavenly temple.  Pastor Bob believes this to be the heavenly temple.
  3. Seraphim are an order of angelic beings with six wings, one face, two feet, and hands.
    1. The tabernacle, Solomon’s temple, and Ezekiel’s temple are all decorated with Cherubim—not Seraphim.
    2. This is the only place in Scripture where the angelic Seraphim are found by that name.
      1. The fiery serpents which bit Israel in the wilderness were called seraphim (Num. 21:6; Deut. 8:15).
      2. The living creatures of Revelation 4 are likely also Seraphim (vv.6-9).
  4. Isaiah is overwhelmed by his unworthiness to behold such glory, and to communicate such glory (Isa. 6:5).
  5. The grace of God provides for Isaiah to have be made worthy for His service (Isa. 6:6-7).
  6. Isaiah is then eager to be a messenger of the Lord (Isa. 6:8), but the children of Israel will be made incapable to perceive spiritual truth (Isa. 6:9-13).
    1. Israel’s eyes, ears, & hearts are closed during the ministry of Jesus Christ (Matt. 13:14-17).
    2. Israel’s eyes, ears, & hearts continue to be closed during the ministry of the Apostle Paul (Acts 28:25-28).
    3. Even with (the nation of) Israel’s heart hardened, individual Jews can still get saved according to their personal faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ (Rom. 11:1-2,5-8).
    4. God promises a definite time-frame for the hardening of Israel’s heart, and promises a faithful remnant (Isa. 6:11-13).