Daily reading

Today’s reading is: 1 Kgs. 15:16-17:7; 2 Chr. 16-17


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1st Kings Chapter Fifteen

(Outline continues from yesterday)

  1. (covered Day 165)
    1. (covered Day 165)
    2. (covered Day 165)
    3. (covered Day 165)
    4. The end of Asa’s life was marked by two negative observations (1st Kgs. 11:16-24).
      1. Asa responded to an invasion by Baasha, King of Israel, by bribing a gentile king to fight his battle (1st Kgs. 15:16-22; 2nd Chr. 16:1-10).
      2. Asa died of venereal disease, as Divine discipline for his sin (1st Kgs. 15:23-24; 2nd Chr. 16:11-14).
  2. Back to the northern kingdom—Nadab succeeds his father Jeroboam as King of Israel (1st Kgs. 15:25-31).
    1. He reigned for only two years (v.25).
    2. He continued Jeroboam’s sin (v.26).
    3. He was assassinated by Baasha, as the outworking of Ahijah’s prophecy (vv.2731; 1st Kgs. 14:7-14).
  3. Baasha’s reign is formally introduced (1st Kgs. 15:32-34).
    1. Baasha’s reign is a twenty-four year reign, entirely within the reign of Asa, King of Judah, to the south (v.33).
    2. Baasha became the first of only two kings of Israel from the tribe of Issachar (1st Kgs. 15:27).
    3. Baasha was the Divine replacement for the house of Jeroboam, but he walked in the way of Jeroboam (v.34).

1st Kings Chapter Sixteen

  1. The Lord designated the prophet Jehu to rebuke Baasha for his evil, and to pronounce the judgment upon Baasha’s house (1st Kgs. 16:1-7).
  2. Elah succeeded his father as the second Issacharian king of Israel (1st Kgs. 16:8-14).
    1. He reigned for only two years (v.8).
    2. He continued Baasha’s (Jeroboam’s) sin (v.13).
    3. He was assassinated by Zimri, as the outworking of Jehu’s prophecy (1st Kgs. 16:9-13; cf. 16:1-4,7).
  3. Zimri’s reign is formally introduced, and his seven day rule is described (1st Kgs. 16:15-20).
    1. Zimri’s tribe is unknown.
    2. Zimri’s reign ended by suicide (1st Kgs. 16:18).
  4. Omri’s reign is formally introduced, including Tibni’s claim to the throne, and Omri’s achievements during twelve years of rule are described (1st Kgs. 16:21-28).
    1. For four years, Tibni’s claim to the throne divided the kingdom of Israel (1st Kgs. 16:15,21-23).
      1. Tibni’s father is known.
      2. Omri’s father is not known, and some have even questioned his Jewish lineage. There are other Jewish men named Omri though so that diminishes the argument (1 Chr. 7:8; 9:4; 27:18).
    2. Omri moved the capital from Tirzah to Samaria (1st Kgs. 16:24).
    3. Omri committed great evil, greater than all who came before (1st Kgs. 16:25-28).
    4. The Omride dynasty is the longest of Israel’s history (Omri 12 yrs., Ahab 22 yrs., Ahazia 2 yrs., Jehoram 12 yrs.).
  5. Ahab’s reign is introduced (1st Kgs. 16:29-34).
    1. Ahab married the Phoenician princess Jezebel.
    2. Ahab added Baal & Asherah worship to the way of Jeroboam.
    3. Under the influence of Ahab’s evil, Hiel the Bethelite rebuilt Jericho under the circumstances of Joshua’s curse (1st Kgs. 16:34; Josh. 6:26).

1st Kings Chapter Seventeen

  1. The Lord lifted up Elijah the Tishbite to be the primary prophetic antagonist to Ahab & Jezebel (1st Kgs. 17:1).
    1. Elijah pronounced the Divine judgment upon Ahab, and initiated a three year drought upon the Kingdom of Israel (1st Kgs. 17:1; 18:1; Jas. 5:17).
    2. Elijah went into hiding by the word of the Lord, and entrusted himself to the Lord’s provision (1st Kgs. 17:2-7).

(Chapter Seventeen continues tomorrow)

2nd Chronicles Chapter Sixteen

  1. Chapter 16 describes the final years of Asa’s life, and his departure from following the Lord.
  2. King Baasha of Israel’s war against King Asa of Judah is described (2nd Chr. 16:1-6; 1st Kgs. 15:17-22).
  3. In a detail not recounted in Kings, Asa is rebuked for his reliance upon Aram instead of trusting the Lord (2nd Chr. 16:7-9).
  4. Asa responded to his rebuke with anger, and imprisoned Hanani the seer (2nd Chr. 16:10).
  5. Asa suffered from venereal disease and died under Divine discipline (2nd Chr. 16:11-14; 1st Kgs. 15:23-24).

2nd Chronicles Chapter Seventeen

  1. Chapter 17 begins a 4 chapter passage on the reign of good King Jehoshaphat (2nd Chr. 17-20; 1st Kgs. 22:2-10,29-33,41-50; 2nd Kgs. 3:7-20).
  2. Jehoshaphat was a good king, following David’s example (2nd Chr. 17:1-6).
  3. Jehoshaphat commissioned Bible teachers from his administration to teach the Word of God in the cities of Judah (2nd Chr. 17:7-9).
  4. Jehoshaphat sought first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all temporal-life blessings were added to him (2nd Chr. 17:10-19; Matt. 6:33).