Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Deut. 13:1-16:17


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Deuteronomy Chapter Thirteen

  1. The Lord establishes a test by which Israel might identify false prophets (Deut. 13:1-5).
    1. The chapter begins with the warning to keep the whole counsel of the Word of God, without adding to it, or taking away from it (Deut. 13:1 in the Hebrew Bible is 12:32 in the English).
    2. In addition to the Lord’s prophetic servants, the adversary sends forth his own prophetic servants (Deut. 13:1).
    3. These false prophets are permitted by God to accomplish the signs and wonders they accomplish, as a test of Israel’s love and devotion to the Lord (Deut. 13:2,3).
    4. The miracles of a true prophet show evidence of the Divine commission of the prophet, and support the message of the true prophet.
    5. The miracles of a false prophet show evidence of the satanic commission of the false prophet, because they contradict the message of the Word of God.
  2. The Lord established a policy by which Israel might deal with idolatrous invitations (Deut. 13:6-11).
    1. These snares are to be rooted out when they are “secret enticements” before they become open public venues.
    2. These snares are to be rooted out when they are individual invitations before they become group movements.
    3. These snares should highlight the distinction between our spiritual family in Christ and our natural family.
    4. The proper application of congregational discipline serves as a deterrent against future instances of such evil (Deut. 13:11).
  3. The Lord established a procedure by which Israel might deal cities that degenerate into apostasy (Deut. 13:12-18).
    1. Apostasy spreads like gangrene (2nd Tim. 2:17).
      1. Apostasy in a family will spread to a clan.
      2. Apostasy in a clan will spread to a city.
      3. Apostasy in cities will spread to a tribe.
      4. Apostasy in tribes will spread to the nation.
    2. The family should stop the problem within the family (Deut. 13:6-11).
    3. Once the apostasy spreads to the clan and the city, then the Tribe must take action to stop the apostasy there.

Deuteronomy Chapter Fourteen

  1. Moses reminds Israel of their unique relationship to the Lord (Deut. 14:1,2; Ex. 19:5,6; Lev. 20:26).
  2. Moses reminds Israel of their dietary requirements (Deut. 14:3-21; Lev. 11:2-45).
  3. Moses reminds Israel of the importance of the tithe (Deut. 14:22-27; 12:5-7).
    1. This “festal tithe” is a second tithe from the previously revealed tithe (Lev. 27:30; Num. 18:21).
    2. The Lord modifies some of the requirements to reflect the new circumstances of their life in the land (Deut. 14:24,25).
    3. The emphasis is one of celebration (Deut. 14:26,27).
  4. Every third year, this “festal tithe” went to the community to help support the widows, orphans, aliens, and Levites (Deut. 14:28,29).  Some scholars view the charity tithe as a third tithe, while most view the charity tithe as being given in lieu of the festal tithe in every third year.

Deuteronomy Chapter Fifteen

  1. Moses reminds Israel of the Sabbath year (Ex. 23:10,11; Lev. 25:1-7), and teaches that this year of release is also to be a year of debt forgiveness (Deut. 15:1-11).
  2. Moses reminds Israel of the unique position their fellow Hebrews enjoy even if they are forced to become slaves for a short time (Deut. 15:12-18; Ex. 21:2-6; Lev. 25:39-43).
  3. Moses reminds Israel of the importance to consecrate the firstborn of their flocks and herds (Deut. 15:19-23; Ex. 13:2,12).

Deuteronomy Chapter Sixteen

  1. Moses reminds Israel of the Lord’s instructions regarding the Passover (Deut. 16:1-8; Ex. 12:3-11).
  2. Moses reminds Israel of the Lord’s instructions regarding the Feast of Weeks (Deut. 16:9-12; Lev. 23:15-21; Num. 28:26-31).
  3. Moses reminds Israel of the Lord’s instructions regarding the Feast of Tabernacles (Deut. 16:13-15; Lev. 23:34-43).
  4. Moses reminds Israel of the Lord’s instructions regarding the three times each year that every male was required to appear before the Lord (Deut. 16:16,17; Ex 23:14–17).

(Chapter Sixteen continues tomorrow)