Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Gen. 25:1-26; 1 Chr. 1:28-34
Genesis Chapter Twenty-Five
- Abraham truly became the father of a multitude of nations (Gen. 17:5).
- By Hagar, he fathered Ishmael and the twelve princes of the Ishmaelites (Gen. 21:13,18; 25:12-18).
- By Keturah, another concubine, he fathered six additional sons, which formed seven nations (Gen. 25:1-4).
- Isaac’s firstborn, Esau, will father the Edomite nation (Gen. 36:9-43).
- Esau’s twin, Jacob, will be renamed Israel (Gen. 32:28; 35:10), and father the twelve tribes of God’s chosen people (Gen. 49:2-28).
- Abraham understood the significance of Isaac’s inheritance, and made a deliberate distinction between him, and his other brothers (Gen. 25:6).
- Abraham died at the age of 175 (Gen. 25:8).
- He was an old man and “satisfied.” Dying grace allowed Abraham to finish his course with confidence.
- He was “gathered to his people”. Physical death means the soul is reunited with those who have gone before.
- Isaac settled in Beer-lahai-roi, and enjoyed the blessings of the Lord (Gen. 25:11; 16:14; 24:62).
- Isaac’s temporal-life blessings did not include children for twenty years (Gen. 25:20,26).
- Isaac & Rebekah must be tested in their generation, even as Abraham & Sarah were tested in theirs.
- Isaac & Rebekah learned the benefit of marital prayers through their time of testing (Gen. 25:21,22; 1st Pet. 3:7).
- God’s answer to their prayers taught the clear gracious choice of the younger over the older (Gen. 25:23; Rom. 9:10-13).
(Chapter Twenty-Five continues tomorrow)