Daily reading

Today’s reading is: 2 Cor. 8-13


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Second Corinthians Chapter Eight

  1. Chapters 8 & 9 focus on the grace gift that the churches in Galatia, Asia, Macedonia, and Achaia were preparing for the afflicted saints in Jerusalem.
    1. Paul had previously given instructions regarding this grace gift (1st Cor. 16:1-4).
    2. Titus had begun the work in Achaia during his time in Corinth (2nd Cor. 8:6,10).
  2. Paul encouraged the Corinthians in the doctrine of grace giving by testifying to them the grace ministry of the Macedonian churches (2nd Cor. 8:1-5).
    1. Grace giving is a matter for believers to pursue in light of the example that Jesus Christ set (2nd Cor. 8:7-9).
    2. Grace giving is a matter for believers to pursue as a matter of mental-attitude, and not a matter of individual capacity (2nd Cor. 8:10-15).
  3. Titus led a team back to Corinth excited about the privilege to be a minister of grace (2nd Cor. 8:6,16-24).
    1. Titus led the effort.
    2. “The brother” famous in the gospel through all the local churches, and appointed by those churches to accompany Paul as a precaution against discredit.
    3. “Our brother” tested and diligent, and greatly confident in the Corinthians.
    4. The famous expulsion of the Jews from Rome by Nero in 50AD was a consequence of financial shenanigans (Ant. 18.3.5 § 81).

Second Corinthians Chapter Nine

  1. Paul is eager to arrive in Corinth with his Macedonian delegation, confident that Titus’ advance party will have all things prepared (2nd Cor. 9:1-5).
  2. Grace giving is a matter for believers to pursue bountifully, purposefully, and cheerfully, trusting in God the Father to make all grace abound (2nd Cor. 9:6-11).
  3. When grace is given and received, both parties can glorify God with praise and thanksgiving being multiplied in an indescribable manner (2nd Cor. 9:12-15).

Second Corinthians Chapter Ten

  1. Paul urged the Corinthians to pray for his meekness and gentleness towards them, even as he comes to wage war with confidence and courage (2nd Cor. 10:1-6).
  2. Paul urged the Corinthians to view their circumstances through Divine viewpoint rather than the human viewpoint they were accustomed to (2nd Cor. 10:7-11).
  3. Paul’s Godly boasting with respect to the Corinthians was not to take credit for anything he had done (2nd Cor. 10:12-18).
    1. The Lord has done the work, so He gets the appropriate glory of human praise.
    2. Corinth isn’t the end of work, but a new base of operations from which to do even greater work.

Second Corinthians Chapter Eleven

  1. The Corinthians had been listening to false apostles who had called Paul’s teaching foolishness.  So, Paul gives the Corinthians several large doses of foolishness in ch. 11.
  2. Paul describes his love for Corinth Bible Church✝︎ as a godly jealousy.  The believers of Corinth were prepared as a bride for the Lord, but Paul was afraid that they had been deceived into unfaithfulness (2nd Cor. 11:1-3).
  3. The false apostles used Paul’s humility as an accusation against him.  They presented him as a false apostle because he was not exercising apostolic privileges (2nd Cor. 11:4-15).
  4. Paul uses a logic of folly to boast in the manner of the false apostles and to illustrate to the Corinthians how empty it all is (2nd Cor. 11:16-21).
    1. Under Law, Paul is every bit as qualified as the false apostles (2nd Cor. 11:22).
    2. Under Grace, Paul has served above and beyond anything that any false apostle had done (2nd Cor. 11:23-29).
    3. From the very beginning of his ministry, Paul’s service to the Lord has been fraught with earthly danger for the sake of heavenly reward (2nd Cor. 11:30-33).

Second Corinthians Chapter Twelve

  1. Paul continues in his autobiography by relating the most severe testing he has ever endured for Christ—the thorn in the flesh (2nd Cor. 12:1-10).
    1. He relates the story in the third person rather than boast about it himself (vv.2-5).
    2. He tells of his rapture to Paradise in the third heaven.  While there, he heard revelations that are not permissible for human revelation (v.4).
    3. When he was returned to physical life, the Lord authorized a Satanic angel to physically abuse Paul’s physical body so that Paul would not grow prideful (v.7).
      1. Paul was so abused that he asked three times for his will to be done over the will of the Lord (v.8).
      2. Paul learned to be well content with the thorn, because it was through such hardship that he learned what the power of Christ could truly do (vv.9,10).
  2. Paul concludes the autobiography with an ironic comment.  The Corinthians shouldn’t be expecting to receive letters of reference on Paul’s behalf; they should be writing letters of reference on Paul’s behalf! (2nd Cor. 12:11-13)
  3. Paul warns them that he will be functioning under the same Law of Love that he functioned under the first two times he was with them (2nd Cor. 12:14-18).
  4. Paul’s autobiography was not a justification for the Corinthians.  Paul was examining himself and preparing his own attitude before the Lord in advance of his coming Corinthian combat (2nd Cor. 12:19-21).

Second Corinthians Chapter Thirteen

  1. Paul’s arrival will be marked by total spiritual warfare (2nd Cor. 13:1-10 cf. 10:3-6).
  2. He warns the Corinthians to test themselves, and examine what spirit is empowering them, because Paul knows what Spirit he is employing (2nd Cor. 13:5-6).
  3. Like-minded believers in fellowship will celebrate Paul’s arrival and the grace, love, & fellowship that will result because of it (2nd Cor. 13:11-14).

✝︎ Pastor Bob’s nickname for the local church founded in Corinth. They didn’t really call themselves that.