Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Mt. 28:16-20; Mk. 16:14-20; Lk. 24:36-53; Jn. 20:19-21:25
Matthew Chapter Twenty-Eight
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- The Gospel closes with the Great Commission charter (mission statement) of the coming Church Age (Matt. 28:16-20).
- The imperative is to “make disciples.”
- The process for fulfilling the Commission is “baptizing” and “teaching.”
- The time for the Commission is “as you go.”
- The field of service is world-wide.
- The assurance of success is His very presence.
Mark Chapter Sixteen
(Outline repeated from yesterday)
- What follows Mark 16:8 is among the most difficult of all textual problems in the New Testament.
- The earliest Greek, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, & Latin manuscripts end the Book at 16:8.
- Later manuscripts add one or more of three different endings to the Book.
- Pastor Bob believes the text to not be genuine to Mark, and not properly a part of the Bible.
Luke Chapter Twenty-Four
(Outline continues from yesterday, Points 2. & 3. repeated)
- Luke’s Gospel gives a great description of the Emmaus road (Lk. 24:13-35), and the appearance to the disciples (Lk. 24:36-43). Mark gave these events brief mention (Mk. 16:12-14). Matthew did not record them at all.
- The Lord met with His disciples and “opened their minds” to understand the Scriptures. He commissioned them for service, but admonished them to wait in Jerusalem until they receive the power they will need for service (Lk. 24:44-49).
- Luke is the only Gospel writer to provide a short narrative of Jesus’ Ascension (Lk. 22:50-53). Luke will also provide an account of this event to open the Book of Acts (Acts 1:1-11).
John Chapter Twenty
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- John’s describes Jesus’ appearance to the Eleven, including the details of doubting Thomas (Jn. 20:19-29).
- Chapter 20 closes with the purpose clause for the entire written gospel (Jn. 20:30-31).
John Chapter Twenty-One
- Chapter 21 forms an epilogue to the gospel. It records an event during the forty days from the resurrection to the ascension.
- Another such event is the appearance to 500 (1st Cor. 15:6).
- And the Lord’s personal appearance to His ½ brother James (1st Cor. 15:7).
- Five of The Twelve are present, along with two other disciples (Jn. 21:2).
- The disciples’ fishing trip (Jn. 21:3-11) turned into a breakfast (Jn. 21:12-14) and a Bible class primarily for Peter (Jn. 21:15-23).
- The Lord challenged Peter to evaluate his love priorities (vv.15-17).
- The Lord challenged Peter to be faithful unto death (vv.18-19).
- The Lord challenged Peter to fulfill his ministry and not worry about the ministry of others (vv.20-23).
- John concludes his written gospel by avowing the faithfulness of his eyewitness account (Jn. 21:24) and declaring the impossibility for the world to contain the books which could be written with additional true stories concerning the life of Jesus Christ (Jn. 21:25).