Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Mt. 5:1-16; 12:1-21; Mk. 2:23-3:19; Lk. 6:1-26


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Matthew Chapter Five

  1. Chapters 5-7 form the first lengthy discourse in Matthew—the Sermon on the Mount. Five great discourses in Matthew:
    1. Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1-7:29).
    2. Mission of the Disciples (Matt. 9:35-10:42).
    3. Parables of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:1-53).
    4. Parables of Discipleship (Matt. 18:1-18:35).
    5. Mt. Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24:1-25:46).
  2. Jesus primarily taught His disciples (Matt. 5:1b), but the crowds were also in audience (Matt. 5:1a; 7:28-29).
  3. The Lord began His sermon with the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12).
    1. The Beatitudes are centered on the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew’s favorite expression for Pastor Bob’s eschatological theocratic kingdom). The Beatitudes are descriptive of the comfort and mercy believers will receive after the Tribulation when the Earth is inherited at the beginning of the Millennium.
    2. The shift from “they” to “you” highlights the circumstances the Disciples/Apostles would experience prior to the Kingdom of Heaven appearing on Earth.
  4. The Beatitudes are followed by the Similitudes (Matt. 5:13-16).
    1. Salt represents the ministry of believers in temporal-life as a seasoning and preservative element in society.
    2. Light represents the ministry of believers as spiritual-life witnesses to God’s work in and through us.

(Chapter Five continues tomorrow)

Matthew Chapter Twelve

  1. Matt. 12:1 is the first use of the term “Sabbath” in the Gospel of Matthew.  σάββατον sabbaton #4521: sabbath, seventh day, week.
  2. The Pharisees objected to the Lord’s disciples plucking grain and eating on the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-2).
  3. The Lord responded by asking the Pharisees challenging questions, and admonishing them with telling statements.
    1. Jesus asked them to explain David’s eating the consecrated bread (Matt. 12:3-4; 1st Sam. 21:6).
    2. Jesus also challenged them to explain why priests working in the temple on the Sabbath aren’t violating the Sabbath (Matt. 12:5).
    3. Jesus contrasts the role of priests in the temple with the role of the Apostles with the Christ (Matt. 12:6).  “Something greater than the temple is here.”  The Age of the Incarnation was a spectacular period within the Dispensation of Israel.
    4. The Lord closed by rebuking the Pharisees for not learning what Hos. 6:6 is all about (Matt. 12:7-8 cf. 9:13).
  4. Entering into the synagogue, Jesus was faced with another Sabbath controversy (Matt. 12:9-14).
    1. The Pharisees ask Jesus for His opinion on healing on the Sabbath, so they might have grounds of accusation against Him (v.10).
    2. The Pharisaic interpretation of Sabbath law forbid any medical attention to be given to anybody for anything less than a life-threatening situation (Mishna Yoma 8:6 F.).
    3. The Lord challenged them by highlighting their own practice of rescuing sheep, and by logically concluding the greater value of human life.
    4. He summarizes His message by declaring that doing the Will of God is always allowed on the Sabbath (v.12).
    5. Christ performed the miracle, and the Pharisees responded to the thrown gauntlet by plotting His destruction (vv.13-14).
  5. The Lord continued His healing ministry, but discouraged all attempts for personal acclaim (Matt. 12:15-21; cf. 8:4; 9:30; 17:9).

(Chapter Twelve continues on Day 286)

Mark Chapter Two

(Outline continues from yesterday)

  1. Unique to Mark’s narrative is the prioritized purpose proclamation: the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath (Mk. 2:23-28). Such perspective often proves definitive (1st Cor. 11:9).

(Chapter Two continues tomorrow)

Mark Chapter Three

  1. Mark’s account of the Withered Hand miracle includes the information that the Pharisee conspiracy dedicated to Christ’s destruction included the Herodians (Mk. 3:6; cf. Matt. 12:14, but also Matt. 22:16).
  2. Mark also records the frequent demonic response to the presence of the Son of God (Mk. 3:11).
  3. In the call of The Twelve, Mark is the Gospel writer to tell us about Boanerges (Mk. 3:17).

(Chapter Three continues on Day 286)

Luke Chapter Six

  1. The Lord of the Sabbath was in their midst, but the Pharisees could only seethe over His “breaking” the Sabbath (Lk. 6:1-11).
  2. Luke records that the Lord selected the Twelve after an entire night of prayer to God the Father (Lk. 6:12-16).
    1. Bartholomew (Mt. 10:3; Mk. 3:18; Lk. 6:14; Acts 1:13) = Nathanael (Jn. 1:45-59; 21:2).
    2. Matthew (Mt. 9:9; 10:3; Mk. 3:18; Lk. 6:15; Acts 1:13) = Levi (Mk. 2:14; Lk. 5:27,29).
    3. Judas (not Iscariot Jn. 14:22), son of James (Lk. 6:16; Acts 1:13) =  (Lebbaeus) Thaddaeus (Mt. 10:13; Mk. 3:18).
  3. In Luke’s careful chronology, it is after the selection of the Twelve that the Sermon on the Mount material is then recorded (Lk. 6:17-49 cf. Matt. 5-7).

(Chapter Six continues tomorrow)