Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Jer. 8:4-11:23
Jeremiah Chapter Eight
(Outline continues from yesterday)
- The Lord rebukes Judah with a series of proverbial rhetorical questions (Jer. 8:4-12).
- No person who trips and falls just lays there for the rest of their life.
- Those who fall need to simply repent, and turn back to the Lord.
- Rejection of God’s Word perverts wisdom into some other kind of wisdom (Jer. 8:8-9; Jas. 3:13-17).
- The Lord describes His judgment upon Judah (Jer. 8:13-17), and Jeremiah can only weep for the terminal condition of his people (Jer. 8:18-23(Hebrew)).
Jeremiah Chapter Nine
- Jeremiah would prefer to live in the desert to living in Jerusalem among the liars there (Jer. 9:2-6).
- Pursuing lies means pursuing the will of the Father of Lies (Jn. 8:44).
- This willful pursuit is a refusal to know the Lord (Jer. 9:6; 11:10; 13:10).
- God must execute judgment upon Jerusalem in order to be faithful to Himself (Jer. 9:7-11). Students of God’s Word will understand this necessity (Jer. 9:12-16).
- Jeremiah calls for the professional mourners to come for duty—Jerusalem will be the deceased (Jer. 9:17-22).
- The only answer for such times is humility (Jer. 9:23-26; cf. 4:4; Rom. 2:28-29).
- Judah was circumcised in body.
- Judah was uncircumcised in heart.
Jeremiah Chapter Ten
- Jeremiah delivers a message from the Lord concerning the uselessness of the idolatry of the nations (Jer. 10:1-16).
- It is a message directed towards the united House of Israel.
- As soon as Judah falls to Babylon, the northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah will be “united” in dispersion among the nations.
- Idols are man-made non-gods (vv.3-9).
- The fallen angel non-god gods will be destroyed when the Lord puts an end to all their evil (v.11,12-15).
- Jeremiah speaks for Jerusalem herself, as she laments her terminal condition (Jer. 10:19-22).
- Jeremiah continues to speak for Jerusalem, as he prays to the Lord and asks for the Lord’s mercy in the process of righteous judgment (Jer. 10:23-25). (He sneaks this prayer in! Jer. 7:16).
Jeremiah Chapter Eleven
- Jeremiah’s next message is an address to Judah concerning her faithlessness to the Lord, and the broken covenant their faithlessness produced (Jer. 11:1-13).
- The Lord reminds Jeremiah concerning the covenant He established with Israel at the Exodus (Jer. 11:2-5a; Deut. 27:26).
- Jeremiah supplies the “Amen” to the covenant message (Jer. 11:5b; Deut. 27:26).
- The Lord warns Judah yet again—pay heed to the warning given to the Exodus generation (Jer. 11:6-8).
- Two conspiracies are then exposed.
- Judah has conspired against the Lord (Jer. 11:9-13).
- Men of Anathoth have conspired against Jeremiah (Jer. 11:18-23).
- The Lord forbids Jeremiah once again to pray on behalf of Jerusalem (Jer. 11:14-17; cf. 7:16; 14:11).