Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Nah. 1-3; 2 Kgs. 23:1-28; 2 Chr. 34:29-35:19


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Nahum Chapter One

  1. The Book of Nahum is an oracle against Nineveh, given by the Lord as a vision to Nahum the Elkoshite (Nah. 1:1).
  2. Chapter 1 begins with a trinity of vengeance (Nah. 1:2).
    1. YHWH is a jealous and avenging God.
    2. YHWH is avenging and wrathful.
      1. His vengeance is against His adversaries.
      2. His wrath is against His enemies.
  3. His adversaries, and enemies are defined, and their guilt is certain (Nah. 1:2-3).
    1. Adversaries & enemies may be a reference to angelic and human opponents of God.
    2. More likely, the fondness of Nahum for poetic couplets is behind this passage.
  4. Mixed in with the promise of judgment is the promise of goodness (Nah. 1:7).
  5. A wicked counselor has initiated a scheme, but the Lord brings those schemes to an end (Nah. 1:9-14; Ps. 2:1ff.; Isa. 8:9-10).

Nahum Chapter Two

  1. The arrival of the ultimate Evangelist heralds the removal of Belial (Nah. 1:15).
  2. The Lord is described as The One Who Scatters (Nah. 2:1-2), and He directs a mighty army to destroy the Assyrians (Nah. 2:3-12).
    1. The description of the attackers matches the Babylonians & Medes.
    2. The flooding reference is uncertain to archaeologists today.
    3. The lion imagery fits the imagery of Assyria.

Nahum Chapter Three

  1. The great evil of Nineveh is described in this chapter.
  2. The harlotries of Assyria are descriptive of the harlotries of mystery Babylon in the Tribulation of Israel (Nah. 3:4; Rev. 17:1-2).
  3. Assyria should learn from the example of Thebes (Nah. 3:8-10).  Unconquerable cities do get conquered, as the Lord brings down a prideful people.
  4. Gentile nations should observe that sleeping shepherds & scattered people (Nah. 3:18) are indicative of an incurable wound (Nah. 3:19).

Second Kings Chapter Twenty-Three

  1. King Josiah responded to the message of Huldah by leading a national revival (2nd Kgs. 23:1-27).
    1. The king assembled the national elders, the prophets, and the priests, in order to re-dedicate themselves to obedience to God’s word (2nd Kgs. 23:1-3).
    2. At the king’s command, Hilkiah cleansed the temple of all idolatry (2nd Kgs. 23:4-6).
    3. Josiah removed every form of idolatry within his land (2nd Kgs. 23:7-14), and the former territory of the northern kingdom (2nd Kgs. 23:15-20).
  2. Josiah’s activity was according to the prophetic word concerning him (2nd Kgs. 23:15-18; cf. 1st Kgs. 13:1-2,31-32).
  3. The Passover of Josiah’s 18th year was the greatest Passover since the days of the Judges (2nd Kgs. 23:21-23), and Josiah was the greatest King since David (2nd Kgs. 23:25).

(Chapter Twenty-Three continues on Day 220)

Second Chronicles Chapter Thirty-Four

(Outline continues from Day 215)

  1. Josiah’s response to Huldah’s message was to initiate a Bible study for all his kingdom to study God’s Word and commit to live it (2nd Chr. 34:29-33).

Second Chronicles Chapter Thirty-Five

  1. Josiah presided over the greatest Passover observance in the history of Jerusalem (2nd Chr. 35:1-19; 2nd Kgs. 23:21-23).
    1. Josiah oversaw the appropriate service of the priests & Levites (2nd Chr. 35:2-6).
    2. Josiah financed the appropriate sacrifice of the general population (2nd Chr. 35:7).
    3. Josiah’s example motivated his officers to financially bless the holy day (2nd Chr. 35:8-9).

(Chapter Thirty-Five continues on Day 220)