Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Isa. 63:15-66:24; 2 Kgs. 20:20-21; 2 Chr. 32:32-33


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Isaiah Chapter Sixty-Three

(Outline continues from yesterday)

  1. The eschatological theocratic kingdom will be a time for Israel to bear witness to their national humbling and repentance (the Great Tribulation) (Isa. 63:15-19).

Isaiah Chapter Sixty-Four

  1. In chapter 64, Isaiah recognizes that God With Us (Emmanuel) is going to be an awesome appearing.
  2. Creation & the nations will react to the bodily presence of God (Isa. 64:1-5).
  3. Mankind will be face to face with their own unrighteousness, and God’s unique provision of righteousness (Isa. 64:6-7).
  4. Mankind will be face to face as clay to the potter (Isa. 64:8-12).

Isaiah Chapter Sixty-Five

  1. Chapter 65 begins with a review of God’s matchless grace (Isa. 65:1-7).
    1. As unbelievers, we do not seek God (Ps. 14:1-3).  He seeks us (Jn. 6:44), and because of His grace, we respond by faith (1st Jn. 4:10,19).
    2. As believers, we have full asking and seeking privileges through the priestly function of prayer (Matt. 7:7-8).
  2. The eschatological theocratic kingdom will begin with a removal of unbelievers (Isa. 65:8-12).
  3. The estate of the righteous and the estate of the unrighteous is contrasted (Isa. 65:13-16).
  4. The new heavens and new earth are introduced (Isa. 65:17-25).
    1. In Isaiah, and many other prophets the 1st Advent and 2nd Advent prophecies of Jesus Christ are often blended into one view. The New Testament revelation serves to distinguish between these blended views.
    2. It is also true that Millennial prophecies and Fullness of Times prophecies are also blended into one view. The NT revelation serves to distinguish between these blended views.
      1. The new heavens and new earth are mentioned (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21 & Rev. 22).
      2. The Millennial conditions are described (Isa. 65:18-25; cf. Rev. 21:4).
    3. Lifespans in the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ will be restored to the pre-flood conditions (Isa. 65:20,22), but death itself is done away with in the Fullness of Times (Rev. 21:4).

Isaiah Chapter Sixty-Six

  1. God is absolutely Sovereign, but in His own Sovereignty He allows for the rebellion of men & angels (Isa. 66:1-4).
  2. This rebellion comes into ultimate judgment, and God’s faithful servants have ultimate vindication (Isa. 66:5-11).
  3. Isaiah concludes with a final view of the eternal blessings of Israel (Isa. 66:12-24).

Principle= The Abrahamic & Davidic covenants are eternal, therefore the prophetic views concerning them go beyond the finite Millennium & Fullness of Times.

Second Kings Chapter Twenty

(Outline continues from Day 208)

  1. Hezekiah dies, and 12 year old Manasseh becomes King (2nd Kgs. 20:20-21).

Second Chronicles Chapter Thirty-Two

(Outline continues from Day 208)

  1. Hezekiah dies, and 12 year old Manasseh becomes King (2nd Chr. 32:32-33).