Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Hos. 1-2; Isa. 12:1-6; 17:1-14; 2 Chr. 28:16-25; 29:1-2; 2 Kgs. 15:30-31; 16:10-18; 17:1-4; 18:1-8
Hosea Chapter One
- The Book of Hosea is a prophetic revelation “the word of the Lord which came” (Hos. 1:1) intended for the northern kingdom of Israel (Hos. 4:1).
- The time frame is established by referencing four kings of Judah, and one king of Israel (Hos. 1:1).
- Uzziah (790-739BC) to Hezekiah (715BC-686BC) establishes a ministry of approximately 40-50 years.
- Hosea witnessed the captivity of Israel, called in the days of Jeroboam II, and prophesying throughout the final six unnamed kings.
- Hosea was called to prophetic ministry as a single man, and his first work-assignment was to marry a harlot (Hos. 1:2).
- He was to marry an אֵשֶׁת זְנוּנִים ’ēsheth zenuwniym and father וְיַלְדֵי זְנוּנִים yaldēy zenuwniym (Hos. 1:2a).
- This was to illustrate Israel’s harlotry in their forsaking of the Lord (Hos. 1:2b).
- Hosea obeyed the Lord and married Gomer “finished/complete”, the daughter of Diblaim “fig cakes” (Hos. 1:3a).
- Hosea and Gomer will give birth to three children, named by the Lord to teach a spiritual lesson to Israel (Hos. 1:3b-2:1).
- A son named Jezreel (v.4a), with spiritual lessons (vv.4b,5).
- A daughter named Lo-ruhamah (v.6a), with spiritual lessons (vv.6b,7).
- A son named Lo-ammi (vv.8,9a), with spiritual lessons (vv.9b-2:1).
Hosea Chapter Two
- The prophetic message of Hosea was that the Lord would reunite Judah & Israel into one people—His people (Hos. 1:10-2:1).
- The Lord states His case against adulterous Israel (Hos. 2:2-13).
- The Lord promises to take his faithless wife back, and to do so according to His absolute standards of holiness (Hos. 2:14-20).
- When the Lord restores the faithless wife, the nation will be securely restored in their land (Hos. 2:21-23).
Isaiah Chapter Twelve
- Just as Israel composed a song of thanksgiving after the Exodus (Ex. 15), a song of thanksgiving is composed for the restoration of Israel at the beginning of the Millennium (Isa. 12:1-6).
- It is a gospel song of salvation (v.2), intended for all the earth (vv.4,5), communicated by the inhabitants of Zion (v.6).
Isaiah Chapter Seventeen
- Isaiah’s מַשָּׂא massā’ oracle centers on Damascus (Isa. 17:1-14). Three other מַשָּׂא massā’ oracles (Isa. 13:1; 14:28; 15:1) will be detailed on Day 186. Six more מַשָּׂא massā’ oracles (Isa. 19:1; 21:1,11,13; 22:1; 23:1) will be detailed on Day 202. Isaiah’s final מַשָּׂא massā’ oracle (Isa. 30:6) will be detailed on Day 204.
- The Lord declares the end of the Aramean kingdom, and the end of their influence over the northern kingdom of Israel (Isa. 17:1–3).
- The judgment of Israel produces a regard for the Lord for the first time in ages (Isa. 17:4-11).
- Although all the nations are gathered against Israel, the Lord delivers Israel in the end (Isa. 17:12-14).
Second Chronicles Chapter Twenty-Eight
(Outline continues from Day 179)
- King Ahaz turned to Assyria for help against Aram, Edom, & Philistia (2nd Chr. 28:16-19).
- In 2nd Chronicles’ spiritual evaluation, Tiglath-Pileser’s actions were no true help to Ahaz (2nd Chr. 28:20-21).
- In 2nd Kings’ historical explanation, Tiglath-Pileser’s actions brought Ahaz to Damascus where he learned the idolatry of the Arameans (2nd Chr. 28:22-27; 2nd Kgs. 16:10-18).
Second Kings Chapter Sixteen
- Ahaz becomes so impressed with Tiglath-Pileser’s pagan altar that he orders a replica to be built in Jerusalem, and defiles the temple of Solomon (2nd Kgs. 16:10-20).
Second Kings Chapter Seventeen
- The nine year reign of Hoshea, the last king of Israel is described (2nd Kgs. 17:1-6).
(Chapter Seventeen continues on TTB Day 184)
Second Kings Chapter Eighteen
- The twenty-five year reign of Hezekiah, king of Judah is introduced (2nd Kgs. 18:1-6).
(Chapter Eighteen continues on TTB Day 184)