Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Jonah 1-4; 2 Kgs. 13:12-13; 14:1-27; 15:1-5; 2 Chr. 25:1-26:21


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Jonah Chapter One

  1. The Lord commissioned Jonah to deliver a prophetic message to the Assyrian people of Nineveh (Jon. 1:1-2).
  2. Jonah fled from the presence of the Lord (Jon. 1:3).
    1. This was a fruitless effort according to the Word of God (Ps. 139:7-12).
    2. He attempted it anyway, as he was angry at the thought of an Assyrian revival (Jon. 4:2).
  3. Tarshish is not identified today with 100% certainty, but the most likely candidate is a Phoenician mining & smelting colony in the western Mediterranean (such as Spain).
  4. Jonah refused to go to the great city (v.2), fled on the great sea, where a great wind (v.4a) caused a great storm (vv.4b,12), produced great fear (v.16), motivated his being thrown overboard to be swallowed by a great fish (v.17).
  5. Jonah becomes a type of Christ, in the stomach of the fish for three days and three nights (Jon. 1:17; Matt. 12:40).

Jonah Chapter Two

  1. Jonah’s prayer to the Lord was the prayer of a dying man, from the belly of the whale, and from the brink of the pit (Jon. 2:1-9).
  2. The Lord delivered Jonah’s body from the fish, and Jonah’s soul from the pit (Jon. 2:10).

Jonah Chapter Three

  1. Jonah is instructed for the second time to go to Nineveh (Jon. 3:2), and this time he obeys (Jon. 3:3).
  2. The journey through Nineveh took three days (Jon. 3:3), but the Assyrians responded to Jonah’s message on the first day (Jon. 3:4).
  3. The Assyrian repentance included their population, their king, their nobles, and even their animals (Jon. 3:5-9).
  4. The Lord rewarded their repentance with a grace delay in their Divine discipline (Jon. 3:10; Nahum).

Jonah Chapter Four

  1. Jonah became angry at the Lord’s compassion (Jon. 4:1-4).
    1. He requested his own physical death (v.3).
    2. He refused to answer the Lord’s question (v.4).
  2. The Lord faithfully illustrated His grace for Jonah to learn from (Jon. 4:5-11).

2nd Kings Chapter Thirteen

(vv.12,13 included in yesterday’s outline)

2nd Kings Chapter Fourteen

  1. In the course of chapter thirteen & fourteen, the TTB2022 Ron Rhodes reading has three side-trips.
    1. In between 2nd Kgs. 13; 14 we will be reading the Books of Joel & Jonah.
    2. In between 2nd Kgs. 14:27,28 we will be reading the Book of Amos.
  2. The reign of Amaziah is described (2nd Kgs. 14:1-20).
    1. He was basically a good king, along the lines of his father Joash, but not as devout as his father David (v.3).
    2. First, he executed the conspirators who assassinated his father (v.5).
    3. He also enjoyed a military victory over Edom (v.7), but a suffered humiliating defeat against Israel (vv.8-14).
  3. Jehoash’s defeat of Amaziah occurred shortly before Jehoash died, and was succeeded by his son Jeroboam II (2nd Kgs. 14:15-16 ≈ 2nd Kgs. 13:12-13).
  4. The final 15 years of Amaziah’s life appear to have been shamefully humiliating, and he was assassinated by a conspiracy of his own servants (2nd Kgs. 14:17-20).

(Chapter Fourteen outline continues on Day 178)

2nd Kings Chapter Fifteen

  1. The reign of Azariah (Uzziah) is described (2nd Kgs. 15:1-7).
    1. Azariah & Uzziah are different names for the same king (2nd Kgs. 15:1,32).
    2. Azariah is commonly a name given to the priestly descendants of Zadok (1st Chr. 6:8-15).
    3. The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia lists a total of 23 different OT characters named Azariah, including Daniel’s young friend who is renamed Abed-nego (Dan. 1:6-7).
    4. Although Azariah/Uzziah was a good king, he became prideful, and ended his days as a leper (2nd Kgs. 15:5; 2nd Chr. 26:16-23).

(Chapter Fifteen outline continues on Day 178)

2nd Chronicles Chapter Twenty-Five

  1. Chapter 25 describes the 29 year reign of mostly good King Amaziah (2nd Chr. 25:1-28; 2nd Kgs. 14:1-20).
  2. Amaziah executed his father’s assassins, but out of reverence for the Law of Moses (Deut. 24:16), left the children of those assassins alive (2nd Chr. 25:1-4).
  3. Amaziah sparked a tremendous military buildup (2nd Chr. 25:5-10).
    1. He mustered his own forces, and hired a mercenary force from the northern Kingdom of Israel (vv.5,6).
    2. An unnamed prophet rebuked Amaziah for his alliance with the northern kingdom (vv.7,8).
    3. Amaziah responded to the rebuke—even though it cost him financially (vv.9,10).
  4. Amaziah’s victory in Edom was particularly brutal (2nd Chr. 25:11-13).
  5. Amaziah chose to worship the very Edomite idols that he had captured from Edom (2nd Chr. 25:14-16).  The Lord dispatched a prophet to rebuke Amaziah, but Amaziah rejected the rebuke.
  6. Amaziah’s pride after the Edom campaign caused him to challenge the northern Kingdom of Israel (2nd Chr. 25:17-21; 2nd Kgs. 14:8-11).
    1. Joash of Israel crushes Amaziah in a humiliating defeat.  Joash plunders Jerusalem, and leaves Amaziah to the mercies of the elders of Judah (2nd Chr. 25:22-24; 2nd Kgs. 14:12-14).
    2. The elders of Judah assassinated Amaziah like they had done to his father (2nd Chr. 25:25-28; 2nd Kgs. 14:17-20).
  7. Azariah/Uzziah becomes the next King of Judah (2nd Chr. 26:1; 2nd Kgs. 14:21).
    1. The chronology of the Amaziah & Azariah reigns is a puzzle for students of the OT.
    2. Anchor Bible Dictionary has Amaziah’s 29 year reign from 798-769BC, and Azariah’s 52 year reign from 785-733BC.
    3. These time frames reflect the text of 2nd Kings which relate Amaziah & Azariah to the reign of Joash in the northern Kingdom of Israel, and indicate an overlapping co-regency in the south.

2nd Chronicles Chapter Twenty-Six

  1. Chapter 26 describes the 52 year reign of King Uzziah (called Azariah in 2nd Kings) (2nd Chr. 26:1-23; 2nd Kgs. 15:1-7).
    1. He was made king by popular opinion of the people of Judah (2nd Chr. 26:1).
    2. He functions in some respect as king before his father dies (2nd Chr. 26:2).
    3. The summary of his reign describes the entire time frame of 52 years, including his vice-regency under Amaziah, and Jotham’s vice-regency under him (2nd Chr. 26:3-5).
  2. Like his father Amaziah, Uzziah built a large military force, and achieved great military victories (2nd Chr. 26:6-15).
  3. Like his father Amaziah, Uzziah’s victories plunged him into pride (2nd Chr. 26:16-20).
    1. He entered into the Holy Place to burn incense on the altar of incense.
    2. The High Priest Azariah led a force of priests to oppose the king, and rebuke his pride.
    3. Like his father Amaziah, Uzziah failed to respond to the Lord’s rebuke, and was disciplined with leprosy for the rest of his physical life.

(Chapter Twenty-Six outline continues on Day 178)