Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Psa. 131; 133; 138-141; 143


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Psalm One Hundred Thirty-One

  1. Psalm 131 is one of the Songs of Ascents, sung as the pilgrims made the ascent to the temple for their annual feasts (Ps. 120-134).
  2. Humble believers faithfully pursue their work assignment, and do not strive for things beyond what they have been called to do (Ps. 131:1).
  3. Humble believers compose and quiet their soul so they can listen to the quiet voice of the Lord (Ps. 131:2).
  4. Humble believers hope in the Lord, waiting for Him to call us home (Ps. 131:3).

Psalm One Hundred Thirty-Three

  1. Psalm 133 is another of the psalms of ascents (Ps. 120-134).
  2. Believers should come to appreciate the blessings of unity in Christ (Ps. 133:1; Rom. 12:10; 1st Thess. 4:9-10; Heb. 13:1).
  3. Christian unity not only pleases God, but also produces spiritual life blessings for one another on earth (Ps. 133:3; 2nd Cor. 13:11).

Psalm One Hundred Thirty-Eight

  1. Psalm 138 is a Davidic psalm, but the subject matter is fitting for the post-exilic Jewish people (Ps. 138:1-3).
    1. David understood his witness and testimony before the angelic realm (v.1).
    2. David understood the reality of the heavenly temple before any earthly temple had yet been built (v.2a).
    3. David understood the primacy of the Word of God, which God Himself magnified (v.2b).
    4. David understood the empowerment of fervent prayer (v.3).
  2. David looked ahead to promised Millennial blessings (Ps. 138:4-6) and this provided him with confidence to endure present temporal testing (Ps. 138:7-8).

Psalm One Hundred Thirty-Nine

  1. Psalm 139 consists of four stanzas of six verses each.
  2. David celebrates God’s omniscience (Ps. 139:1-6).
  3. David celebrates God’s omnipresence (Ps. 139:7-12).
  4. David celebrates God’s omnipotence (Ps. 139:13-18).
  5. David celebrates God’s preeminence (Ps. 139:19-24).

Psalm One Hundred Forty

  1. Believers must guard against attacks from the Adversary (Ps. 140:1-3).
  2. Believers must guard against being ensnared by the Adversary (Ps. 140:4-5).
  3. The method for the believers’ alertness is fervent, effectual prayer (Ps. 140:6-13).

Psalm One Hundred Forty-One

  1. David worships the Lord through prayer (Ps. 141:1-2).
    1. He cannot offer the required sacrifices at the tabernacle.
    2. He understands the spiritual significance of prayer as the reality behind the ritual.
  2. David asks the Lord to protect him from sins of the tongue, mental attitude sins, and overt sins (Ps. 141:3-4a).  
  3. Wicked associates need to be avoided (Ps. 141:4b), and godly friends need to be listened to when they reprove him (Ps. 141:5a).
  4. David looks to the Lord to deliver him from the traps and snares the Adversary sets against him (Ps. 141:8-10).

Psalm One Hundred Forty-Three

  1. David calls upon the Lord to answer his prayer (Ps. 143:1-4).
    1. Prayer is answered on the basis of the Lord’s faithfulness and righteousness (v.1).
    2. David is saved by grace, and not the object of God’s eternal judgment (v.2).
    3. David’s testing was to the point where his soul was overwhelmed (vv.3,4).
  2. Rather than focus on his problems, David chooses to dwell on the glories of God’s faithful doings (Ps. 143:5-6; Phil. 4:8).
  3. David’s prayers become urgent because he views his physical death as imminent (Ps. 143:7-9).
  4. All testing is instructive—even the testing of dying grace (Ps. 143:10-12).