Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Psa. 35-38


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Psalm Thirty-Five

  1. David gives his battle to the Lord (Ps. 35:1-8).
  2. David looks forward to seeing his prayers answered, although he doesn’t know how long it is going to take (Ps. 35:9-10,17-18).
  3. David examines himself to make certain of his own undeserved suffering, rather than divine discipline (Ps. 35:11-16).
  4. David asks the Lord to thwart the conspiracy of the wicked (Ps. 35:19-26).
  5. David values the prayers of others on his behalf, and looks forward to corporate worship in celebration of the Lord’s deliverance (Ps. 35:27-28).

Psalm Thirty-Six

  1. Psalm 36 contrasts the wicked way (Ps. 36:1-4) with God’s way (Ps. 36:5-9).
  2. The wicked way is the expression of fallen man’s deceitful heart (Ps. 36:1-4; Jer. 17:9; Matt. 15:19).
  3. The wicked man is proud of his wickedness when he is discovered (Ps. 36:2; Rom. 1:32).  Jeremiah spoke concerning this (Jer. 2:19).
  4. The wicked man plots and plans his wickedness, working very hard at it (Ps. 36:4; 38:12; Prov. 4:16; Hos. 7:6; Mic. 2:1).
  5. The believer following God’s way will meditate upon God’s lovingkindness, faithfulness, righteousness, and judgments (Ps. 36:5-6; Jer. 9:24), and be overwhelmed at how infinite these attributes are (Isa. 55:7-9).
  6. The believer following God’s way will exult in His life, light, and love (Ps. 36:7-9).  Jeremiah delivered messages referencing this fountain of life (Jer. 2:13; 17:13).
  7. The way of wickedness and the way of God come into conflict, but the believer will trust in the LORD during these conflicts (Ps. 36:10-12).

Psalm Thirty-Seven

  1. Psalm 37 continues the contrast of the way of the wicked with the way of God.  The primary message is “fret not” (Ps. 37:1,7-8).
  2. Psalm 37 is an acrostic psalm with the Hebrew alphabet beginning every other, or every third verse.  See Prov. 31 in the TTB 129 study guide for a verse-by-verse acrostic.
  3. Believers are not to be worried about unbelievers, neither should they be envious of the unbeliever’s apparent prosperity (Ps. 37:1-11; Jer. 12:1).
  4. The schemes of the wicked are laughing matters to the LORD (Ps. 37:12-15; Ps. 2:4).
  5. The “better” life of the way of God is described (Ps. 37:16-34).
  6. The legacy of the wicked is a cut off posterity (Ps. 37:35-40).

Psalm Thirty-Eight

  1. Psalm 38 is a penitential psalm, and begins like Psalm 6 began.  David has been under Divine discipline, and has been humbled by it (Ps. 38:1-8).
  2. David lays his entire case before the Lord, and opens his heart in prayer (Ps. 38:9-12).
  3. David is so focused on his prayer burden, that he does not even acknowledge human communication (Ps. 38:13-14).
  4. David hopes in the Lord, confesses to the Lord, and leaves his case with the Lord (Ps. 38:15-22).
    1. He surrenders to God’s will for his life.
    2. He surrenders to God’s will concerning his enemies.