Daily reading
Today’s reading is: Psa. 22-26
Psalm Twenty-Two
- Psalm 22 is the prophetic description of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ—described by David 1,000 years before-hand.
- No known incident in David’s life matches the description of this psalm.
- This psalm includes no confession of sin whatsoever.
- This psalm includes no imprecation against his enemies.
- Psalm 22 has NT quotations and allusions in a variety of places:
- Ps. 22:1 = Matt. 27:46; Mk. 15:34
- Ps. 22:5 = Rom. 5:5 (allusion)
- Ps. 22:7 = Matt. 27:39; Mk. 15:29
- Ps. 22:7,8 = Lk. 23:35,36
- Ps. 22:8 = Matt. 27:43
- Ps. 22:15 = Jn. 19:28
- Ps. 22:16,20 = Phil. 3:2 (allusion)
- Ps. 22:18 = Matt. 27:35; Mk. 15:24; Lk. 23:34; Jn. 19:24 + 1st Pet. 1:11 (allusion)
- Ps. 22:21 = 2nd Tim. 4:17; 1st Pet. 5:8 (allusions)
- Ps. 22:22 = Heb. 2:12
- Ps. 22:23 = Rev. 19:5
- Ps. 22:28 = Rev. 11:15; 19:6
- In addition to the above quotations, the description of this psalm is so vivid it can only have reference to a crucifixion experience (Ps. 22:16).
- David has no recorded literal crucifixion experience.
- Yet this passage records a (visionary?) crucifixion experience.
- As Ezekiel was taken out of his body for spiritual experiences (Ezek. 8-11; 40-48), Pastor Bob believes that David experienced the cross in a similar manner.
- The conclusion to the psalm speaks of resurrection and glory—the cross is not the end of the story (Ps. 22:25-31).
Psalm Twenty-Three
- David the Shepherd knew Who his true Shepherd was (Ps. 23:1a; Jn. 10:11,14; 1st Pet. 2:25; 5:4; Heb. 13:20; Rev. 7:17).
- Through David’s recognition of the Lord’s shepherding ministry, he has no want (Ps. 23:1b-3; 34:9-10; Phil. 4:19).
- The Shepherd provides rest.
- The Shepherd provides nourishment.
- The Shepherd turns the soul that is headed the wrong direction.
- The Shepherd leads by example.
- The Shepherd does this all for His own glory.
- The believer focused on the Good, Great, and Chief Shepherd can have victory in every circumstance and detail of life (Ps. 23:4-6). This text has a NT allusion in Lk. 7:46.
- He has confidence in physical danger.
- He has confidence in spiritual danger.
- He has confidence in Divine protection.
- He has confidence in Divine provision.
- He has confidence in his spiritual-life blessings and service to the Lord—both in time and eternity.
Psalm Twenty-Four
- All of creation falls under the Sovereignty of the God Who created it (Ps. 24:1,2). This text has a NT quotation in 1st Cor. 10:26.
- Like Ps. 15, the qualifications for ascending to God, and standing in the presence of His Holiness are spelled out (Ps. 24:3-6). This text has a NT echo in Mt. 5:8
- Since the qualified and worthy King is ready “to ascend” and “to stand” (Ps. 24:3), David calls for the gates and doors to be opened to welcome the King of Glory in His glory (Ps. 24:7-10).
Psalm Twenty-Five
- Psalm 25 is an acrostic psalm, with each verse beginning with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in order. It is very similar in structure to Psalm 34 (TTB Day 109).
- There is no verse beginning with ו. The surprise comes in Ps. 25:6 with a verse that begins with ז: Remember, O LORD, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesses, For they have been from of old.
- Another surprise comes in v.18. There is no verse beginning with ק. Verses 18 & 19 each begin with ר. Look upon my affliction and my trouble, And forgive all my sins. Look upon my enemies, for they are many, And they hate me with violent hatred.
- David presented his soul to the LORD as a living sacrifice (Ps. 25:1-3).
- David lived to learn, and therefore learned how to live (Ps. 25:4-7).
- David knew how to confess his sins to the LORD and keep himself in the walk of grace and truth (Ps. 25:8-11). This text has a NT allusion in 1st Jn. 2:12.
- David understood that the fear of the LORD was the key to intimacy with God (Ps. 25:12-15).
- David’s intimacy with God empowered him to endure any testing of external and internal conflict (Ps. 25:16-22). Ps. 25:20 (like 22:5) has a NT allusion in Rom. 5:5.
Psalm Twenty-Six
- Believers who are walking in the light have no problems with the Lord examining their life—in fact, they even welcome it (Ps. 26:1-7; Rom. 14:22; 1st Cor. 11:31; 2nd Cor. 1:12; 1st Tim. 1:5,19; 3:9). Ps. 26:6 has a NT allusion in Mt. 27:24.
- Believers who are walking in the light love God’s Word, and worship together with God’s family (Ps. 26:8-12; Heb. 10:22-25).