Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Deut. 31:30-32:52; Psa. 90


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Deuteronomy Chapter Thirty-Two

  1. This song calls heaven and earth to bear witness to the truth of God’s Word (Deut. 32:1; cf. Dt. 4:26; 30:19; 31:28; Psa. 50:4; Isa. 1:2; Eph. 3:10; 1st Pet. 1:12).
    1. The song is the Lord’s song, communicating His Word for the blessing of Israel (Deut. 32:2; Isa. 55:10,11).
    2. Man’s response to God’s revealed Word should be one of praise and worship (Deut. 32:3,4), and not the faithless response of a crooked and perverse generation (Deut. 32:5,6; Phil. 2:15).
    3. The work of God in setting apart Israel was a Sovereign work of Divine grace (Deut. 32:7-14).
    4. Jeshurun is the poetic name for Israel in prosperity. 
      1. Jeshurun failed the prosperity test (Deut. 32:15-18).
      2. Jeshurun reaped the Divine consequences for their spiritual adultery (Deut. 32:19-27).
    5. The Lord laments that Israel is not living up to everything that they could be living up to (Deut. 32:28-33; 5:29; Ps. 81:13; Isa. 48:18; Matt. 23:37; Lk. 13:34).
    6. The Lord promises a time when Israel will enjoy His deliverance for all eternity (Deut. 32:34-43).
  2. Moses urges Joshua & all Israel to pay attention to the Lord’s teaching through this psalm, and to live it in their daily life (Deut. 32:44-47).
  3. At the conclusion to that psalm, the Lord directed Moses to ascend Mt. Nebo (Pisgah, Deut. 34:1) for the last time (Deut. 32:48-52).

Psalm 90

  1. Psalm 90 is the one psalm of Moses in the Book of Psalms (although some traditions also assign Psalm 91 to Moses).
  2. Moses also authored a psalm (Deut. 32) and a song-like blessing at his death (Deut. 33).
  3. This beautiful psalm highlights God’s Eternal Life (Psa. 90:1,2).
  4. This beautiful psalm highlights God’s eternal purpose, and His unique timetable (Psa. 90:3-6).
  5. This beautiful psalm highlights the short time that man has upon the earth, and the importance of staying faithful to the Lord (Psa. 90:7-12).
  6. This beautiful psalm highlights a sinful people, repentant of their evil, and looking to the lovingkindness of the Lord (Psa. 90:13-17).