Daily reading

Today’s reading is: Deut. 6-9


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Deuteronomy Chapter Six

  1. Chapters six through nine are all continuations of Moses’ 2nd Farewell Discourse. Ch. 6 is a summary chapter of application.
  2. Hear the Word and do the Word (Dt. 6:1,3; Jas. 1:22,23).
  3. Instruct your children, that they may instruct their children (Dt. 6:2,7; 2nd Tim. 2:2).
  4. The entire Law is summarized in a Great Confession and a Great Commandment (Dt. 6:4,5; Mt. 22:37,38).
  5. The Word of God is to be our manner of thinking, reflected at all times and in all circumstances (Dt. 6:6,7).
  6. We should keep constant reminders of God’s Word with us (Dt. 6:8).
  7. God’s Word should be the basis for public life as well as private life (Dt. 6:9).
  8. God’s Word should not grow lukewarm in your service to the Lord (Dt. 6:10-15).
  9. We should learn from previous failures to apply God’s Word (Dt. 6:16-19).
  10. We should teach our children to learn from the victories and failures of previous generations (Dt. 6:20-25).

Deuteronomy Chapter Seven

  1. Chapter Seven continues Moses’ 2nd Farewell Discourse consists of instructions for the conquest and occupation of the land of Canaan, by the nation of Israel according to the Sovereignty of God.
  2. The Conquest is supposed to be total and complete (Dt. 7:1,2).
    1. The Conquest will be a work of God in the application of Sovereignty.
      1. God will bring Israel into the land.
      2. God will clear away the nations before Israel.
      3. God will deliver those nations to Israel’s hand.
    2. The Conquest will be a response of Israel in the application of volition.
      1. Israel should utterly destroy the nations.
      2. Israel should refuse all covenants, favor, and intermarriage with those nations.
      3. Israel should remove and destroy every trace of the nations’ idolatry.
    3. The nature of the Conquest is the nature of holiness—a holy people in covenant relationship with the Holy God (Dt. 7:6).
  3. The Seven Nations of the Conquest.  Each nation was greater and stronger than Israel.
    1. Hittites.  Three groups of people lay claim to the term “Hittite.”
      1. The Hamitic sons of Heth, 2nd son of Canaan (Gen. 10:15; 23:3-20; 26:34; 27:46; 28:8).
      2. The apparently Shemitic Hattians.
      3. The Japhetic (Indo-European) Hittites (2nd Sam. 11:3,6; 1st Kgs. 11:1; 2nd Kgs. 7:6; 2nd Chr. 1:17).
    2. Girgashites, 5th son of Canaan (Gen. 10:16).
    3. Amorites, 4th son of Canaan (Gen. 10:16).
    4. Canaanites, descendants of Sidon, 1st son of Canaan, bearing the name of Canaan as the first-born son (Gen. 10:15).
    5. Perizzites, an apparently non-Canaanite ally of Canaan, and inhabitant within the land of Canaan.  Possibly a Hurrian clan.
    6. Hivites, 6th son of Canaan (Gen. 10:17).  The Gibeonites were a Hivite clan (Josh. 9:3,7).
    7. Jebusites, 3rd son of Canaan (Gen. 10:16).  Jebus was conquered by David, and became the City of David—Jerusalem (1st Chr. 11:4,5).
  4. The Lord’s sovereign choices of grace are not dependent upon human worth or merit (Deut. 7:7,8).
  5. The Lord assures Israel that He will love and bless them exceedingly when they humble themselves, and obey His Word (Deut. 7:12-16), and this promise is to give them courage in the upcoming Conquest (Deut. 7:17-26).

Deuteronomy Chapter Eight

  1. Moses reminds the wilderness generation that the Lord has been faithful to them for forty years (Deut. 8:1-5).
    1. Even the difficult times were crafted by Him for Israel’s testing and approval (Deut. 8:2).
    2. He allowed for the hunger, that He might provide for His glory (Deut. 8:3a).
    3. He used the physical hunger to teach that the spiritual hunger is more important (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4).
    4. He took care of their clothing and shoes (Deut. 8:4; 29:5; Neh. 9:21).
    5. Their relationship to the Lord was one of a well-disciplined son (Deut. 8:5; Heb. 12:7-11).
  2. The Lord will continue to bless Israel as they enter into the land of promise (Deut. 8:6-10).
    1. Temporal bios-life blessings are contingent upon the nation’s obedience to the conditional Mosaic Covenant.
    2. They will enjoy abundant water resources.
    3. They will enjoy abundant horticultural resources.
    4. They will enjoy abundant mineral resources.
    5. Eating should be followed by satisfaction (vv.10,12; 1st Tim. 4:4,5).
  3. Moses warns Israel to not forget the Lord, and fail to offer the appropriate sacrifices (Deut. 8:11-20).
    1. Prosperity testing is a test of pride.
    2. Prosperity testing is a test of memory and perspective.
    3. Prosperity testing is a test of attentiveness.

Deuteronomy Chapter Nine

  1. Moses warns Israel that their victory in the Conquest will not be because of their own righteousness (Deut. 9:1-5).
    1. This was also true with respect to their redemption (Deut. 7:7,8).
    2. This will also be true with respect to their future restoration (Ezek. 36:22-32).
  2. Moses illustrates His point by reminding Israel of their previous rebellions (Deut. 9:6-29).
    1. This reminder is not to provoke guilt (Rom. 15:4; 1st Cor. 10:11).
    2. This reminiscence is to provoke a greater diligence, obedience, and experience within the land (Phil. 3:13,14).
    3. When God ultimately delivers Israel for the final time (at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ) He will supply a final reminder of their evil ways and this will prompt a one-time and final period of shameful self-loathing (Ezek. 36:31,32).